Many and One|One and Many (2021) Pittura da Victoria Lyashenko


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Venditore Victoria Lyashenko

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73,70 USD
182,08 USD
507,22 USD
Risoluzione massima: 9449 x 7087 px
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Venditore Victoria Lyashenko

Diptych "Many and One" & "One and Many" Each painting has size 60x40 cm, and together 60x80 cm. In the end of the 2020 year I received the invitation to participate in a new exhibition “Earth.ver.20.21”. Artists were invited to think about the future of our planet. So I’ve been thinking[...]
Diptych "Many and One" & "One and Many"

Each painting has size 60x40 cm, and together 60x80 cm.

In the end of the 2020 year I received the invitation to participate in a new exhibition “Earth.ver.20.21”. Artists were invited to think about the future of our planet.

So I’ve been thinking about it for several months. There are people who try to understand the importance of the harmonic interaction between Human and Nature, and the number of them increases from year to year. The paradox is that nothing really changes for better in our environment. If there are some changes, they are so tiny that they cannot overcome the huge negative impact of human activities on our planet. I think that at least part of the problem is related to the philosophical presuppositions of today’s science. First of all I’m talking about Cartesian dualism that had formed the philosophical foundations of the Modern science. According to Descartes there exist two substantially different entities which by definition cannot, but, nevertheless, interact with each other. From this assumption followed the conclusion that the human mind and Nature exist separately. Moreover, humans were identified with their minds, not with their bodies and Nature. From this way of reasoning follows that it doesn’t matter what happens to our bodies and environment because these are just some sophisticated mechanisms, which can be fixed by scientists whenever it’s needed.
Some aspects of this philosophy and its consequences you can see in the painting “Many and One”. The title of the painting refers to the fourth hypothesis from Plato’s dialog “Parmenides”.

The second painting continues my search for a possible way to the future of our planet. In contrast to the mechanical point of view, there is some thought about the harmonious balance of Humane and Nature. People can live in accordance with the natural rhythms of the planet with respect for Earth. But I have a real problem with describing the philosophical views that may be responsible for such a relationship between Man and Nature. I advisedly don’t touch some ancient doctrines though they are indeed brilliant and complete, but cannot be applied by contemporary science. I think that some insights for those goals can be taken from philosophical ideas of E. Husserl, M. Heidegger, L. von Bertalanffy and others.

Some possible consequences from those philosophical presupposition you can see in the painting “One and Many”. Some important phrases are written on the roots of the tree as a symbol that these ideas can take root and change our world for the better. The title of the painting refers to the fifth hypothesis from Plato’s dialog “Parmenides”.

Temi correlati

Philosophy And ScienceMan And NatureModern PhilosophyFuture Of PlanetHuman And Earth

Tradotto automaticamente
žVictoria Lyashenko was born on October 9, 1993 in Odessa, Ukraine. She currently lives and works there. žžFrom early childhood, Victoria would draw in any spare moment. Her parents enrolled her in an art school[...]

žVictoria Lyashenko was born on October 9, 1993 in Odessa, Ukraine. She currently lives and works there. žžFrom early childhood, Victoria would draw in any spare moment. Her parents enrolled her in an art school for children to protect their home and its contents from constant attempts to cover it with drawings. After successfully completing the children's art school, Victoria entered the M.B. Grekov Odessa Art College, where she acquired the profession of a graphic artist and educator.

Despite her immense love for painting, Victoria felt that the path of an artist that lay before her was not entirely satisfactory. She longed for the natural sciences. Thus, she made a decision that shocked her relatives: to enroll in medical university. The world of science captivated her, and during her studies at the medical university, painting took a back seat. However, what is part of your soul always remains with you.

žžCurrently, Victoria is engaged in scientific activities in the field of philosophy of medicine, reflecting all her personal and scientific interests in her paintings. Victoria considers achieving harmony as one of the goals of her life. In her works, she seeks answers to the questions that deeply concern her. Victoria's artworks are diverse, including landscapes, portraits, domestic and religious-mythological genres, symbolic art, SciArt, and more. But they are all united by the search for harmony and light, even in the darkest depths. In all her works, the artist aims to highlight the bright side of a human soul.

Vedere più a proposito di Victoria Lyashenko

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