Boy Observes Nature (2023) Pittura da Velta Emīlija Platupe

Acquarello su Carta, 27,6x44,9 in
1.687,43 USD
Prezzo: Spedizione gratuita

Spedito da: Lettonia (Imballaggio in scatola o cartone) Spedito entro 2 giorni
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Acquistare una stampa

Questa stampa è disponibile in diverse dimensioni.

27,23 USD
46,83 USD
101,29 USD
Recensioni dei clienti Eccellente
Gli artisti vengono pagati i diritti d'autore per ogni vendita

Venditore Velta Emīlija Platupe

Licenza digitale

Quest'immagine è disponibile per lo scaricamento con una licenza.

32,67 USD
130,69 USD
272,28 USD
Risoluzione massima: 3160 x 1960 px
Scarica subito dopo l'acquisto
Gli artisti vengono pagati i diritti d'autore per ogni vendita

Venditore Velta Emīlija Platupe

Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
The project “Angels as Models” started as a creative accident. Children in Oncology department of Children's Clinical University Hospital were often too tired and weak to participate in evening art workshops. Nevertheless they were bright and inteligent personalities so I asked hazardly if they would like to engage in art process in a passive[...]
The project “Angels as Models” started as a creative accident. Children in Oncology department of Children's Clinical University Hospital were often too tired and weak to participate in evening art workshops. Nevertheless they were bright and inteligent personalities so I asked hazardly if they would like to engage in art process in a passive way, as models. It demanded a certain level of mutual trust and acquiantance, as it was a question most people never hear in their lives. The experience of becoming a portrait model in an old-fashioned way of painting and observing requires the utmost luxury of our age: time. The tragic and fortunate coincidence of reality in Oncology department is that nobody has anywhere to hurry. Treatments are long and exhausting so everyone is forced to slow down.
The experience of model-artists relationship can be linked to the ancient tantric practice of eye gazing, which can be transformed into respectful attentiveness, benevolent contemplation of other person. The artist respects and distinguishes emotional and physical traits with admiration and care while depicting it. It can help at moments when the model feels insecure or depressed about his/her appearance (in cases of of illness or old age, for example). It serves as a tangible proof of person's outer and inner beauty because it is perceived and captured on paper. The long and painstaking painting process itself serves as proof of worthiness of a model: people in doubt receive an evidence of their value as human beings. “Do you see what I see?” I ask, while the model ponders at the drawing.
This portrait is dedicated to Marts, a teenage boy who thought he was not able to draw but made a beautiful black and white still life with a fruit bowl and a bottle of wine. Then he nervously asked if drawing bottles of wine is allowed. Luckily, it was.
It is painted on 300 g/m² Arches watercolor paper and not framed.

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Multidisciplinary artist Velta Emīlija Platupe has a special ability to evoke a magical mood in space and plane where baroque splendor allows the beautiful and the eerie to mingle. She graduated with a MA in[...]

Multidisciplinary artist Velta Emīlija Platupe has a special ability to evoke a magical mood in space and plane where baroque splendor allows the beautiful and the eerie to mingle. She graduated with a MA in Contemporary Art from the Ecole Supérieure d’Arts & Media de Caen/Cherbourg in France, and obtained a master's degree in painting at the Latvian Art Academy. Velta Emīlija has been active in the Latvian art environment for more than ten years. Public attention has been attracted by her personal exhibitions ("Proofs of the Official Death of Love", "Forgiveness is Not Possible", "Invertebrates", "Magical Sea Creatures. Wher to Find Them?", "Unveiling for Night Birds") and the visuals of theater performances ("Casanova", "Persian Lessons", "The Tale of Old Death" (nominated 2014/15 for the "Gamers' Night" award of the year) etc.). The artist created objects from different materials which are sometimes difficult to perceive as sculptures or dolls, so as not to create redundant word (too narrow or broad) connotations. Her figures are able to come to life both in the theater and in the exhibition hall, reminding about an important tradition of puppetry in the world and in Europe, which is unfortunately scarcely represented in Latvia. Velta Emilija Platupe says about herself that she can (and does) paint with her whole body, supplementing it with a brush, needle, or other tools if necessary.

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