135. Sweet dreams, colorful psychedelic abstract (2021) Peinture par Veera Zukova

Acrylique sur Toile, 17,7x21,7 in
2 742,11 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite

Avis clients (19)
Expédié depuis: Finlande (Boîte ou emballage en carton) Expédié sous 2 jours
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Cette impression est disponible en plusieurs tailles.

27,07 $US
46,56 $US
100,69 $US
Avis clients Excellent
Les artistes touchent leurs droits d'auteur à chaque vente

Vendeur Veera Zukova

Licence numérique

Cette image est disponible pour téléchargement avec une licence

32,48 $US
129,92 $US
270,68 $US
Résolution maximale: 4507 x 3669 px
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Les artistes touchent leurs droits d'auteur à chaque vente

Vendeur Veera Zukova

Oeuvre unique
Oeuvre signée par l'artiste
Certificat d'authenticité inclus
Prêt à accrocher
Monté sur Châssis en bois
Cette oeuvre apparaît dans 1 collections
"Sweet Dreams" is a vibrant and enchanting acrylic painting on canvas, created in 2021. This artwork, measuring 55 cm by 45 cm with a depth of 3 cm, is a joyful explosion of colors and intricate patterns, designed to captivate art collectors who appreciate the dynamic and whimsical essence of contemporary abstract art. The painting[...]
"Sweet Dreams" is a vibrant and enchanting acrylic painting on canvas, created in 2021. This artwork, measuring 55 cm by 45 cm with a depth of 3 cm, is a joyful explosion of colors and intricate patterns, designed to captivate art collectors who appreciate the dynamic and whimsical essence of contemporary abstract art.

The painting features a delightful and lively palette, with hues of pinks, greens, blues, yellows, and reds interwoven to create a visually stimulating composition. The abstract forms are a mix of geometric and organic shapes, blending seamlessly into a harmonious and intricate visual tapestry. The interplay of these vibrant colors and forms results in a lively and engaging visual experience.

At the core of "Sweet Dreams" is its dynamic and fluid composition. The artist employs a variety of abstract shapes, including spirals, dots, and amorphous forms, that flow into one another, creating a rhythmic and harmonious dance across the canvas. The bold, contrasting colors enhance the visual impact, making each element stand out while contributing to the overall cohesion of the piece. The background, a blend of softer shades, provides a serene contrast that allows the foreground elements to pop, adding to the painting's depth and complexity.

The use of acrylic paint allows for rich, saturated colors and a smooth, vibrant finish. The artist’s skillful application of paint brings out the luminosity and depth of the colors, creating a textured surface that engages both the eyes and the hands. The detailed patterns and forms invite viewers to explore the painting repeatedly, discovering new details with each viewing.

The abstract forms in "Sweet Dreams" suggest a variety of interpretations, from whimsical landscapes to playful creatures, inviting viewers to engage with the artwork on a personal level. This ambiguity and openness to interpretation make the piece particularly engaging and thought-provoking.

Artistic Significance

This painting reflects the artist’s deep understanding of color theory, composition, and abstract expressionism. It demonstrates a unique ability to blend complexity with harmony, creating a piece that is both intellectually stimulating and aesthetically pleasing. The interactive quality of the artwork, where viewers can find their own meanings within the abstract forms, adds to its uniqueness and appeal.

Investment Potential

As a unique and original piece of contemporary abstract art, "Sweet Dreams" offers significant investment potential. Abstract art continues to be a favored choice among collectors due to its timeless nature and versatility in complementing various interior designs. The painting’s vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and dynamic composition ensure it will remain a focal point in any collection, valued for both its artistic merit and visual impact.

Thèmes connexes

Abstract ArtContemporary ArtAcrylic PaintingColorful AbstractAbstract Expressionism

Traduit automatiquement
I'm Veera Zukova, an artist whose creative journey began in the picturesque landscapes of Sredneuralsk, Russia. From a young age, I was drawn to the world of art, finding inspiration in the vibrant colors[...]

I'm Veera Zukova, an artist whose creative journey began in the picturesque landscapes of Sredneuralsk, Russia. From a young age, I was drawn to the world of art, finding inspiration in the vibrant colors of nature and the rich cultural heritage of my surroundings. As I grew older, my passion for creativity blossomed, leading me to explore various mediums and techniques. From graphic design to surreal gouache paintings, I immersed myself in the process of self-expression, allowing my emotions and experiences to shape each brushstroke.

My artistic exploration took me beyond the borders of Finland, as I sought to expand my horizons and learn from diverse artistic traditions. I found myself studying painting in construction in Sweden, mastering the intricate interplay of light and shadow in my work. Along the way, I delved into the world of music, studying it for over a decade and discovering how rhythm and melody could inform my artistic practice.

Today, I reside in Finland with my husband, where I continue to pursue my passion for art with unwavering dedication. My work is a reflection of my innermost thoughts and feelings, a visual representation of the human experience in all its complexity. Through my art, I seek to evoke emotion, spark imagination, and inspire others to see the world in a new light.

For me, art is not just a creative outlet—it's a way of life, a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. With each new piece I create, I push the boundaries of my own creativity, exploring new ideas and experimenting with different techniques. As I continue to evolve as an artist, I look forward to sharing my journey with the world and connecting with others who share my passion for creativity and self-expression.

Voir plus de Veera Zukova

Voir toutes les œuvres
Marqueur sur Carton | 6,3x4,7 in
712,31 $US
Acrylique sur Autre surface | 11,4x5,5 in
880,17 $US
Acrylique sur Toile | 14,8x11,8 in
1 117,61 $US
Craie sur Papier | 12,6x17,7 in
495,85 $US


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