Now Free (2024) Peinture par Przemek Kret

Huile sur Panneau MDF, 16,5x23,2 in
438,8 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite
Avis clients (22)
Expédié depuis: Pologne (Boîte ou emballage en carton) Expédié sous 1 semaine
Satisfait ou remboursé sous 14 jours
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32,27 $US
129,06 $US
268,88 $US
Résolution maximale: 3234 x 2292 px
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Vendeur Przemek Kret

Oeuvre unique
Oeuvre signée par l'artiste
Certificat d'authenticité inclus
  • Œuvre d'art originale (One Of A Kind) Peinture, Huile sur Panneau MDF
  • Dimensions Hauteur 16,5in, Largeur 23,2in
  • État de l'œuvre L'oeuvre est en parfait état
  • Encadrement Cette oeuvre n'est pas encadrée
  • Catégories Peintures à moins de 500 $US Symbolisme Paysage
The work is about the stillness and calm and the sense of work accomplished; no movement, nothing more to do. The golden yellow gradient of the late afternoon sun,serenity of the sky doubled and amplified by the calm waters of the lake, rhythmical silhouettes of trees fading out towards the horizon. Somewhat intuitively/accidentally the animal found[...]
The work is about the stillness and calm and the sense of work accomplished; no movement, nothing more to do. The golden yellow gradient of the late afternoon sun,serenity of the sky doubled and amplified by the calm waters of the lake, rhythmical silhouettes of trees fading out towards the horizon. Somewhat intuitively/accidentally the animal found its way into the composition - and it just fits so well this formative mood of the landscape. I could imagine it being a beast of burden that has broke free due to some lucky circumstances. Here it is now, by the shore, tired but free at last. New beginning.
This is but one of the stories I can make about this landscape, since landscapes always tell stories somehow. Hope you also discover your own resonance with this one and enjoy the serenity it brings.
The painting's in oil on primed, mdf wood panel,

Thèmes connexes


Traduit automatiquement
Born 1982 in Poland, nomadic however for some 2 decades now (current studio location deep in the nature of Transylvanian Carpathian mountains); astray and headed for transcendence. Painter, sculptor,[...]

Born 1982 in Poland, nomadic however for some 2 decades now (current studio location deep in the nature of Transylvanian Carpathian mountains); astray and headed for transcendence.

Painter, sculptor, printmaker; working with contemporary means to express the timeless and explore universal psychological and spiritual content we all share as living beings. .

'At the core of creativity, images have the capacity to become openings and bridge our perception with unlimited, boundless world. This is what makes art such an amazing discovery and deeply transformative act - to viewer and artist alike.'

Voir plus de Przemek Kret

Voir toutes les œuvres
Sculpture - Bois | 9,8x2 in
387,24 $US
277,54 $US
Huile sur Panneau MDF | 23,2x16,5 in
903,94 $US
Gravures & estampes sur Papier | 10,6x7,9 in
399,31 $US
Craie sur Papier | 11,8x9,1 in
Sur demande


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