Garden of Eden (2020) Pittura da Trajche Chatmov (Chatma)

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Venditore Trajche Chatmov (Chatma)

Carta per belle arti, 8x11 in

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33,43 USD
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  860 px  

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Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Acrilico Dipingi usando pigmenti tradizionali mescolati con resine sintetiche. [...]
Short biography   Trajche Chatmov was born in 1971 in Skopje-Macedonia. He spent his childhood and adolescence in Veles, where he also finishes vocational-directed high school education at the Koco[...]

Short biography


Trajche Chatmov was born in 1971 in Skopje-Macedonia. He spent his childhood and adolescence in Veles, where he also finishes vocational-directed high school education at the Koco Racin High School.

He started his academic education in 1992 by enrolling at the Faculty of Fine Arts in the class of Professor Ana Temkova. During the academic year 1992/93, his main subject professors were Vasil Vasilev, professor of sculpture, and Kostadin Tanchev Dinkata, professor of graphics.

In the second year of the studies, Professor Temkov's class was taken over by Prof. Korubin Rubens. During the third academic year the class was led by Professor Dushan Perchinkov, and again in the fourth year of study, the class was again taken over by Prof. Rubens Corubin, under whose mentorship Chatmov graduated.

He continued his academic education in the field of art, but this time he is expanded in the field of philosophy and ends his postgraduate studies under the mentorship of Prof. Rodoljub Anastasov, professor of Painting and Professor Kiril Temkov, professor of Philosophy (aesthetics).

Although he fulfills the existential needs after graduation by working as a lecturer-teacher, later however, the primacy in his life is held by the artistic work.

In his previous opus, Chatmov has gone through several stages of his work and is currently seized and concentrated in expressionism.

Trajce holds his first independent presentation right after his graduation, in the House of Culture Ohrid in 1997 within the Ohrid Summer Festival, and so begins his presentation as an academic painter. The following solo exhibitions include:

• 2002 Skopje showroom at the ARM House and

• 2002 Art Salon-Veles,

• from 2006 to 2008 in Skopje (exhibition hall ARM House), Bitola at the Center for Culture, Kavadarci (Cultural Center "Ivan Mazov"), Prilep (Cultural Center "Marko Cepenkov") and Art Salon - Vranje Serbia),

• from 2011 to 2013 Skopje (showroom DLUM), Veles (art salon) and

• 2016 in Skopje gallery Concept 37,

• 2017 in the gallery STAB - Belgrade, gallery 2.0 in Sofia,

• 2019 in Skopje gallery Concept 37.

He participated in several group exhibitions throughout the cities of the Republic of Macedonia and as well as abroad as part of the international project "BRIDGES" in Munich (Germany), Warsaw (Poland), Murska Sobota (Slovenia), Kragujevac (Serbia) International Graphic Biennale in Kanagawa - Japan, Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria), Dubai as part of "World Art Dubai 2018 exibition", etc.

In addition to painting, he also deals with photography, animated film and documentary film for which he received several awards in 1997/98. (Best Camera and Best Director for Short Documentary "Times").

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