Sunset (2023) Peinture par Svetlana Leont Eva

Huile sur Toile, 15,8x11,8 in
431 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite

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32,00 $US
130,00 $US
270,00 $US
Résolution maximale: 1770 x 2688 px
Téléchargez immédiatement après l'achat
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Vendeur Svetlana Leont Eva

Oeuvre unique
Oeuvre signée par l'artiste
Certificat d'authenticité inclus
  • Œuvre d'art originale (One Of A Kind) Peinture, Huile sur Toile
  • Dimensions Hauteur 15,8in, Largeur 11,8in
  • État de l'œuvre L'oeuvre est en très bon état
  • Encadrement Cette oeuvre n'est pas encadrée
  • Catégories Peintures à moins de 500 $US Figuratif Chat
"Grace of the Sunset: Painting of Serenity" This painting is infused with elegance and tranquility, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the world of serenity and beauty. I wanted to capture the grace of the cat, its serene posture, and noble expression. The backdrop of the sunset creates an atmosphere of warm light and[...]
"Grace of the Sunset: Painting of Serenity"

This painting is infused with elegance and tranquility, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the world of serenity and beauty. I wanted to capture the grace of the cat, its serene posture, and noble expression. The backdrop of the sunset creates an atmosphere of warm light and peace, adding a special charm to the painting.

The painting is perfect for a living space where people seek tranquility and harmony. Its refinement and peacefulness will not leave viewers indifferent. It invites us to pause for a moment and enjoy the beautiful moment of tranquility.

Thèmes connexes


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An artist who draws animals. I live and work in Minsk, Belarus. I am inspired by the grace of cats, their character, and the way they accept you as their owner. I participate in online[...]

An artist who draws animals. I live and work in Minsk, Belarus.

I am inspired by the grace of cats, their character, and the way they accept you as their owner.

I participate in online and offline exhibitions.

International exhibition of animalistic art "Animal Kingdom" 1st and 2nd place. Participation in joint exhibitions. Exhibition "Spring, Jazz Cats" Minsk, Belarus.

Each of my paintings is a journey into the world of kind fairy tales. My works are filled with a sense of humor, joy, and tenderness. Our little furry friends teach us to enjoy life, every moment of it, and simple everyday dreams. Like the heroes of my paintings, they do everything to bring a smile to the face of everyone who looks into the world of my art. I enjoy turning everyday scenes into funny stories.

My paintings are created with love, and I hope they bring positive emotions to those who look at them. The best reward for me is when a smile lights up the face of the viewer, and their heart is filled with joy.

May my paintings always remind you that it is worth stopping in the moment, and even the simplest life and household situations can be viewed with humor. I am delighted to open the doors to this wonderful world of kindness and warmth, the world of my cats.

Voir plus de Svetlana Leont Eva

Voir toutes les œuvres
Huile sur Toile | 11,8x11,8 in
246 $US
Huile sur Toile de lin | 19,7x23,6 in
532 $US
Huile sur Toile | 35,4x35,4 in
1 076 $US
Huile sur Toile | 35,4x35,4 in
1 176 $US


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