Festival of Lights (2023) Arts numériques par Shamim Shaikh

Papier d'art, 8x8 in

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32,63 $US
Usage: Licence Web
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  1500 px  

1500 px
Dimensions du fichier (px) 1500x1500
Utilisation mondiale Oui
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Utilisation sur tout type de média Oui
Droit de revente Non
Nombre maximum d'impressions 0 (Zero)
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Banque d'images artistiques
  • Ce travail est une "Open Edition" Arts numériques, Giclée / Impression numérique
  • Dimensions Plusieurs tailles disponibles
  • Plusieurs supports disponibles (Papier d'art, Impression sur métal, Impression sur toile)
  • Encadrement Encadrement disponible (Caisse américaine + sous verre, Cadre + sous verre acrylique)
  • État de l'œuvre L'oeuvre est en très bon état
  • Catégories Illustration Portraits de femmes
Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights with its variations also celebrated in other Indian religions. It symbolizes the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance". À propos de cette œuvre: Classification,[...]
Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights with its variations also celebrated in other Indian religions. It symbolizes the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance".

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Hi there! I am Shamim Shaikh a professional artist from Mumbai, India.  I am a Commercial Artist (Applied Art) from India. I do Graphic Design, Caricature, Cell Animation, Illustration, Branding, Logo Design[...]

Hi there! I am Shamim Shaikh a professional artist from Mumbai, India.  I am a Commercial Artist (Applied Art) from India. I do Graphic Design, Caricature, Cell Animation, Illustration, Branding, Logo Design etc.

I am deeply passionate about creating  unique and impactful digital experiences by blending art, distinct characters and compelling narratives.  

"The bulk of my career as an artist is producing animation. I get a scene and it’s my job to animate the scene, to bring it to life, to convince the audience that the character exists as a living, breathing entity. It’s kind of an invisible craft. We have to do something new—to make the characters more believable by giving them human flaws. You want to come up with something real, something truthful. The best art is not predictable. It has many surprises in it."

I am here to hopefully inspire you in your creative journey as others have inspired me. If you ever have any questions, or just want to talk art, don't hesitate to get in contact with me!

Voir plus de Shamim Shaikh

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