Vintage bear doll handbear HB-BF046 (2019) Sculpture by Seven E

Sculpture - Plastic, 3.9x3.2 in
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Seller Seven E
Customer's reviews (7)
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Seller Seven E

Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Limited Edition (#1/1) Sculpture, Plastic / Leather / Cement on Plastic
  • Number of copies available 1
  • Dimensions Height 3.9in, Width 3.2in / 163.00 g
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in very good condition
  • Fit for outdoor? No, This artwork can not be displayed outdoor
  • Categories Sculptures under $500 Figurative Animal
Handmade vintage hand bears, teddy bears, interior props, collections, gifts, decorations, artist sculptures.  재질 : 폴리우레탄(Polyurethane) + 혼합 매체/재질(Mixed media/Various materials) 채색 : 아크릴물감(수용성, 무독성) + 혼합 매체/재료(Mixed media/Variety coloring materials) + 부분 천연가죽(Natural leather) 코팅 : 수용성 바니시(기본: 본덱스 Bondex)
Handmade vintage hand bears, teddy bears, interior props, collections, gifts, decorations, artist sculptures.

재질 : 폴리우레탄(Polyurethane) + 혼합 매체/재질(Mixed media/Various materials)

채색 : 아크릴물감(수용성, 무독성) + 혼합 매체/재료(Mixed media/Variety coloring materials) + 부분 천연가죽(Natural leather)

코팅 : 수용성 바니시(기본: 본덱스 Bondex)

광택 : 반무광

무게 : 163g

색상 : 이미지 참고

연도 : 2019년 03월

참고 : 제품의 생산연도는 변형, 변색, 등의 변화가 없는지 지켜본 세월입니다.

Related themes

Artist SculpturesTeddy BearBear DollVintage Teddy BearHand Bear

Automatically translated
E7 (Hangeul, Korean alphabet : 이세븐) is a contemporary Korean artist. His pieces reflect the outcomes of the passage of time, showcasing opportunities for meditative contemplation[...]

E7 (Hangeul, Korean alphabet : 이세븐) is a contemporary Korean artist. His pieces reflect the outcomes of the passage of time, showcasing opportunities for meditative contemplation on fundamental existential questions. Within these artworks, various objects carry distinct meanings, and their combination and harmony encompass elements from the past, the present, and the future.

The transformation of coincidental shapes created by spilling and painting ink on paper into other images is not only an artistic process but also a part of a theoretical contemplation on the self and a source of solace in life, seeking expression akin to joyful play. Furthermore, the artworks, whether in two-dimensional or three-dimensional form, maintain a cohesive expression that continues the properties of the initial plane, showcasing the artist's artistic vision and creative continuity.

His artworks grace the private collections of various esteemed establishments, including J C Co in Inchun, Larion Hotel in Busan, Romano Church in Taejeon, Haram Co in Seoul, R & B Co in Seoul, Papason in LA, Bonjoin in New York, Empire State Building in Manhattan, World Trade Center (WTC), Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport in Italy, and Jeune Gallery in Paris.

See more from Seven E

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Acrylic on Canvas | 63.8x44.1 in
Sculpture - Plastic | 3.9x3.2 in
Sculpture - Resin | 3.5x2.8 in
Sculpture - Paper | 10.6x5.9 in


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