Buy commercial licences from exclusive original artworks

On Artmajeur, you can buy licences to use original paintings, millions of paintings are available to download!

We are the only online art gallery that offers a licensing service for Art stock photos and paintings. When you buy a licence, you get the right to reproduce and sell the painting in any support you choose (Book, Poster, T-shirt, etc.), worldwide and for an unlimited period of time.

This is a great opportunity to find some beautiful and original artwork at a fair price. The licences are starting at just 30€, so it’s easy to find a work that suits your budget. And with a choice of millions of stock photos licences available, you are sure to find the perfect original work that will fit your project.

Browse our collection of paintings and buy a licence today!

Browse Licenses available Paintings

Looking for high-quality, licensable stock photos?

A picture is worth a thousand words, and with a stock photo licence from Artmajeur, you can use amazing photography in your work for a very affordable price. Our library of stunning, licensable images is constantly updated with new photos by some of the world's best photographers. So you can be sure to find the perfect image for your project - no matter what it is.

Browse our library of stock photos and select the perfect one for your next project!

Browse Licenses available Photographs

You can now buy a licence to use an original work of art on Artmajeur.

We are excited to offer this new way for artists to share their work and for people to enjoy beautiful artwork. With a licence, you can use the artwork however you like - it's the perfect way to add some extra flair to your next project. Our selection of licences offers something for everyone, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. Whether you're looking for a personal or commercial licence, we have just what you need. With a licence, you can use the artwork legally, without worry of copyright infringement.

Why not purchase a licence to use an original piece of artwork on Artmajeur?

With millions of original artworks created by some of the world's most talented artists, you can choose from a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. Our selection of licences offers something for everyone, so you can find the perfect one for your project. Whether you're looking for a personal or commercial licence, we have just what you need. Plus, you’ll be helping an artist to continue creating beautiful art.

Our artists work hard to create beautiful pieces of art, and we want to make sure they are rewarded for their talent. With a licence, you can help support these artists and get exclusive access to their work!

Browse our artworks and buy a licence today on Artmajeur!

Buy a license to use based on an original artwork


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