Rococo-scene (2008) Peinture par Rob Arbouw

Vendeur Rob Arbouw

Certificat d'authenticité inclus
  • Œuvre d'art originale Peinture, Huile
  • Dimensions Hauteur 27,6in, Largeur 39,4in
  • Catégories Peintures à moins de 5 000 $US
Rococo is a style of 18th century French art and interior design, "Commonly and mostly used in the very graceful age of the great Marie Antionette"Rococo style rooms were designed as total works of art with elegant and ornate furniture, small sculptures, ornamental mirrors, and tapestry complementing architecture, reliefs, and wall paintings.[...]
Rococo is a style of 18th century French art and interior design, "Commonly and mostly used in the very graceful age of the great Marie Antionette"Rococo style rooms were designed as total works of art with elegant and ornate furniture, small sculptures, ornamental mirrors, and tapestry complementing architecture, reliefs, and wall paintings. It was largely supplanted by the Neoclassic style.
The word Rococo is seen as a combination of the French rocaille, or shell, and the Italian barocco, or Baroque style. Due to Rococo love of shell-like curves and focus on decorative arts, some critics used the term to derogatively imply that the style was frivolous or merely fashion; interestingly, when the term was first used in English in about 1836, it was a colloquialism meaning "old-fashioned". However, since the mid 19th century, the term has been accepted by art historians. While there is still some debate about the historical significance of the style to art in general, Rococo is now widely recognized as a major period in the development of European art.

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Traduit automatiquement
CURRICULUM VITAE Geboren: 20 - 9 - 1953 Heerlen Opleidingen: 2000-2001 Desk Top Publishing / html / Typographie (diploma)


Geboren: 20 - 9 - 1953 Heerlen


2000-2001 Desk Top Publishing / html / Typographie (diploma)
Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarXpress, Flash, Fireworks, HTML, MS Office

1978 - 1979 Pedagogisch Didactische Bijscholing

1972 - 1978 Stadsacademie voor Toegepaste Kunsten;
Monumentale vormgeving, schilderen en grafiek. Maastricht (diploma)
1965 - 1972 Middelbare school (diploma)


2007 Als man en vrouw schiep hij de mens,
Grote Laurenskerk Alkmaar

2006/07 CU in Babel, Utrecht, groepsexpositie
2005/06/07 Realisme 5,6,7. Amsterdam door Besselaar Contemporary Art
2006 Kunstrai, "Lagunes" ,Amsterdam door Kunsthandel Bas Meijer, Utrecht"
2002/2003 De Salon, Jaarbeurs, Utrecht
1999 Assistentie restauratie 'Het Schip '
Centraal Museum Utrecht
1998 ‘Zien is geloven’, St.Bavo , De Vishal, Haarlem
‘De Salon’ Centraal Museum, Utrecht
1997 ‘Under my skin’ Artis, Den bosch
Galerie De Praktijk, Amsterdam (solo)
CBK, Utrecht (solo)
1996 ‘De Salon’, Centraal Museum, Utrecht
1994 ‘Begane grond’ Utrecht
1992 Kasteel Hernen, Gelderland
‘Icon - assemblys in a bizantian context’ (solo)

1988 Installations Schuwirth & Van Noorden,Maastricht (solo)
Museum Zonnehof, Amersfoort.’ Kunst en het meisje achter de kassa’
1988-1991 Social Sculpture, Jospeh Beuys, Z.Duitsland
1987 Installations Leeuwarden
1985 galerie Inge Schrofer, Amsterdam (solo)
1984 Koninklijk Paleis op de Dam, Amsterdam


1995 - 1999 Stipendia van de Nederlandse Staat
1992 Projectstipendium prov. Utrecht
1988 Projectstipendium prov. Utrecht

Werk in Partuculiere en Bedrijfs Collecties:

In Thailand, Zwitserland, Duitsland, Verenigde Staten, Engeland
Frankrijk, Spanje, Belgie en Nederland

ABN-AMRO - A'dam, ING-group - A'dam; AEX- effectenbeurs - A'dam, - Tweede Kamer, Den Haag

Representatie en stock:

Galery Negenpuntnegen, Roeselare, Belgium
Galery Besselaar, Utrecht, the Netherlands kunstenaars/werk_arbouw.htm

Galery Demedici, Nunspeet, the Netherlands

Galery Het Wed, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Binnen afzienbare tijd in Carré d’artistes - 9, allée Claude Forbin - 13100 Aix-en-Provence, Frankrijk

Oudwijkerdwarsstr 13
3581 la Utrecht

Atelier: De Ruimte
Utrechtseweg 38-40,
tf 31 + (0)30 2518489
31 + (0)6 12065242



Voir plus de Rob Arbouw

Voir toutes les œuvres
Huile | 15x10,6 in
Sur demande
Artisanat | 3,2x4,7 in
Sur demande
Peinture | 70,9x55,1 in
Sur demande
Peinture | 19,5x27,6 in
Sur demande


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