Visual Harmony [I] "The Lords Tree" (2024) Arts numériques par Patrick John Bennett (Patrice)

Papier d'art, 7x12 in

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  900 px  

1500 px
Dimensions du fichier (px) 900x1500
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Banque d'images artistiques
  • Ce travail est une "Open Edition" Arts numériques, Giclée / Impression numérique
  • Dimensions Plusieurs tailles disponibles
  • Plusieurs supports disponibles (Papier d'art, Impression sur métal, Impression sur toile)
  • Encadrement Encadrement disponible (Caisse américaine + sous verre, Cadre + sous verre acrylique)
  • État de l'œuvre L'oeuvre est en parfait état
  • Catégories Art conceptuel Paysage
In my mind within the realm of artistry,complementary colours can become pairs of hues that when placed next to each other create a visual harmony,and make each other appear more vivid - [I] "The Lords Tree" [Yellow and Purple] A regal pairing that combines the warmth of yellow with the coolness of purple,offering a sense[...]
In my mind within the realm of artistry,complementary colours can become pairs of hues that when placed next to each other create a visual harmony,and make each other appear more vivid -

[I] "The Lords Tree" [Yellow and Purple]
A regal pairing that combines the warmth of yellow with the coolness of purple,offering a sense of creativity and sophistication - Patrick John Bennett (Patrice) Korat 'Isan' Thailand.

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Artist and Author of British citizenship but resident in Thailand,my love and desire is for creating artworks through previsualisation of digital imaging,brush applying strokes,composition and finishing within[...]

Artist and Author of British citizenship but resident in Thailand,my love and desire is for creating artworks through previsualisation of digital imaging,brush applying strokes,composition and finishing within framed situations,discovering techniques which spell charms of art colours and textures reminiscent of "Impressionism,Modernism,Surrealism"and indeed many other styles of art captivated by the works of Van Gogh,Monet,Klimt and other past masters of the "Art Movement".

My ultimate passion is to create by sketch/digital imaging,artwork prominently associated with stylistic art varients of contemporary realism,that allows you to Look-Think-Admire and brings conversation to your environment,enabling a relaxed feeling of enlightenment to emerge within you,because Art is an inspiration in a line that surrounds your thoughts,creativity to attract the soul towards its creator,reflecting on beauty,honesty and generosity - Patrick John Bennett (Patrice) Korat 'Isan'Thailand.



Voir plus de Patrick John Bennett (Patrice)

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