DragonFly (2024) Peinture par Olena Bunina (Helena Bunina)

Pigments sur Toile, 20,1x16,1 in
969 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite

Expédié depuis: États-Unis (Boîte ou emballage en carton) Expédié sous 2 jours
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32,00 $US
130,00 $US
270,00 $US
Résolution maximale: 1633 x 2048 px
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Vendeur Olena Bunina (Helena Bunina)

Oeuvre unique
Oeuvre signée par l'artiste
Certificat d'authenticité inclus
Dragonfly Textural work, which you can not only see but also feel by touching the picture with your hands. Size of work 41/51 cm With the use of acrylic, potali, the background is made in the technique of alcohol inc. Covered with lacquer, which gives the picture more gloss and violence of colors More video[...]

Textural work, which you can not only see but also feel by touching the picture with your hands.
Size of work 41/51 cm
With the use of acrylic, potali, the background is made in the technique of alcohol inc.
Covered with lacquer, which gives the picture more gloss and violence of colors

More video and photo works can be seen on my instagram Bunina_art
the job will be shipped from the city of Chicago
everything will be safely packaged for

the paintings are coated with a protective varnish, so the effect of the paintings look like magazine covers.

Thèmes connexes

DragonflyTextural WorkArt

Traduit automatiquement
In 2012 I found a talent for drawing. All this time I was looking for my style and what attracts me.in 2022 was a group exhibition in Holland, the city of Leeuwarden with the personal presence of artists, and[...]

In 2012 I found a talent for drawing. All this time I was looking for my style and what attracts me.in 2022 was a group exhibition in Holland, the city of Leeuwarden with the personal presence of artists, and some sales.
In 2023 I am actively participating in exhibitions. My paintings have been presented in some galleries in Dubai, Germany and Miami.
My creativity started at a young age and continues to this day.
Today I am in America and I am trying to develop my creative path.
I often jokingly call my paintings travelers ) They are on different continents and decorate the homes of my most favorite clients.
In my paintings I try to convey my world, in the creation of paintings initially not always I lay in them a huge and deep meaning, but at the end of the effect is surprising, and they have a big thought and different views, each person sees in my paintings something different.
My Paintings are very bright and attract people's eyes


Voir plus de Olena Bunina (Helena Bunina)

Voir toutes les œuvres
Acrylique sur Toile | 20,1x20,1 in
1 037 $US
Acrylique sur Toile | 40,2x30,3 in
3 186 $US
Pigments sur Toile | 20,1x16,1 in
969 $US
Acrylique sur Toile | 40,2x30,3 in
3 186 $US


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