One Essence (2024) Peinture par Martine Weber

Acrylique sur Toile, 31,5x23,6 in
2 029,65 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite

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32,51 $US
130,06 $US
270,95 $US
Résolution maximale: 758 x 1020 px
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Vendeur Martine Weber

Oeuvre unique
Oeuvre signée par l'artiste
Certificat d'authenticité inclus
Cette oeuvre apparaît dans 4 collections
"One Essence: Hues Apart, Hearts Connected" is an enchanting diptych painting that unfolds a tale of unity amidst visual diversity. The upper half of the canvas bathes in cool blue and silver hues, featuring a cityscape adorned with iconic landmarks—a Louvre-inspired pyramid, a Brooklyn Bridge-like structure, and a hint of the London skyline.[...]
"One Essence: Hues Apart, Hearts Connected" is an enchanting diptych painting that unfolds a tale of unity amidst visual diversity. The upper half of the canvas bathes in cool blue and silver hues, featuring a cityscape adorned with iconic landmarks—a Louvre-inspired pyramid, a Brooklyn Bridge-like structure, and a hint of the London skyline. At the apex of the silver pyramid, the North Star emanates a celestial beam, bridging the earthly city with the heavens.

On the right side, a contemplative girl stands, gazing at the urban panorama, holding a teddy bear adorned in hues mirroring its counterpart in the golden-hued lower half. Their paws touch, symbolizing a profound connection that transcends the apparent differences.

Flipping the painting reveals a golden desert landscape, reminiscent of Arabian cities such as Dubai. The golden pyramid in this realm radiates a luminous beam into the heavens, crowned with a golden star. At its core lies another pyramid, crowned with an 'all-seeing eye,' adding a touch of mysticism to the composition.

In the parallel scene, the girl remains, holding her teddy bear adorned in the opposite color scheme. The connection between the teddy bears becomes even more poignant, symbolizing the harmonious exchange of energies and colors between two worlds. "One Essence: Hues Apart, Hearts Connected" is a testament to the shared essence that unites disparate elements, celebrating the interconnectedness of hearts across diverse landscapes.

The original painting is now for sale. It comes with an aluminum titanium-golden frame (which can be changed if preferred). Feel free to reach out with any inquiries. More pictures are available on request.

Thèmes connexes

PyramidsOpposite WorldsUp-Side-Down Painting

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Hi there! I'm Martine Weber, the creative force behind IM'Art, a soulful journey where every stroke hopes to be an homage to our world's beauty, diversity, and contradictions, advocating for[...]

Hi there! I'm Martine Weber, the creative force behind IM'Art, a soulful journey where every stroke hopes to be an homage to our world's beauty, diversity, and contradictions, advocating for peace through the universal language of art. 

IM'Art is nestled in a multigenerational community on the Veemarkt in Utrecht, where several artworks grace the "Kas" (greenhouse), our communal space at Kas&Co.

My artistic journey is a lively, eclectic exploration, evolving me into a versatile artist. Beyond the canvas, I weave images with music, poetry, or narratives. Each painting is a tale—a subtle contemplation that offers glimpses into contradictions or even illusions.

My artwork invites viewers into uncertain, altered realities, embodying stories, metaphors, emotions, or even souls, especially in portraits (of humans and animals).

In my early twenties, I dedicated five years to art lessons, including a year studying at the School of Art in the United States, focusing on portraits and nature. Life led me to a career and family, but my creative threads persisted in stories, illustrations, and music.

Resuming painting last year, my art mirrors experiences, emotions, and the balance of a creative soul finding expression on canvas.

As a wholehearted life artist, each creation at IM'Art holds a unique, subtle energy—reflecting the 'True Colors' of my soul.

Imagine my creative process as a story, often starting with a charcoal sketch. Backgrounds, crafted with acrylic paint, serve as a canvas for my imagination, unfolding through a versatile blend of media.

Beyond painting, I wear the hats of a composer and writer. Also operating as 'Sofie Weber,' my musical creations and the tales of Sofie & Pawgles come to life through illustrations.

Open to commissions, my art spans cityscapes, dreamscapes, portraits, and pet portraits. Drawn to my style? I'm here to bring your vision to life.

Thanks for joining me on this artistic journey. Let's paint the world just a little more beautiful together.

Warm regards, Martine Weber.

Voir plus de Martine Weber

Voir toutes les œuvres
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