My Window Wiews (2021) Peinture par Marmourevidueiros

Acrylique sur Toile, 13,8x13,8 in
861,41 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite

Expédié depuis: Espagne (Caisse en bois) Expédié sous 2 jours
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32,57 $US
130,26 $US
271,38 $US
Résolution maximale: 2743 x 2745 px
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Vendeur Marmourevidueiros

Oeuvre unique
Oeuvre signée par l'artiste
Certificat d'authenticité inclus
Monté sur Châssis en bois
This piece belongs to a collection of paintings of “views”, study of light and color from different points of the landscape of the artist daily life. Like impressionists, the author retina captures the small fluctuations of life, trying to reason it using dark lines across the space waiting to order the moment It is painted on canvas on a very[...]
This piece belongs to a collection of paintings of “views”, study of light and color from different points of the landscape of the artist daily life. Like impressionists, the author retina captures the small fluctuations of life, trying to reason it using dark lines across the space waiting to order the moment
It is painted on canvas on a very thick support that allows it to be hung without a frame.

Thèmes connexes


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Graduate in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca The author has been working in the artistic field since completing her fine arts degree. Her main achievements have been in painting, engraving,[...]

Graduate in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca

The author has been working in the artistic field since completing her fine arts degree. Her main achievements have been in painting, engraving, photography, and comics, although his degree is specialized in sculpture. Her themes are varied, although, apart from using figuration in comics, she has developed a deep study in abstraction. His artistic interests encompass the aquatic and aerial world, emotions, and sensations. The color palette is very extensive and mixed, with subtle glazes and powerful colors. The compositions reveal emotions that can take the viewer to familiar corners or to heartfelt emotions. Each artistic piece goes beyond the landscape, understood as a habitat, refuge or pure momentary contemplation. The movement is transmitted with the line or the strokes, the gesture, or the mixture of brush strokes. It represents frozen moments of pure abstraction.

Light and its nuances are another definitive aspect of MarMoureVidueiros' work. Small hints of light penetrate the elements, passing through fictitious places and teaching us subtle compositional paths.


Sculpture: Carving in wood and stone, clay

Painting: Acrylic, Oil, Mixed techniques, Watercolor, Drawing


Abstract and realistic paintings

Voir plus de Marmourevidueiros

Voir toutes les œuvres
Acrylique sur Toile | 31,3x15,8 in
1 498,06 $US
Acrylique sur Toile | 7,9x15,8 in
852,55 $US
Acrylique sur Toile | 11,7x27,6 in
1 380,69 $US
Acrylique sur Toile | 10,6x16,1 in
9 793,27 $US


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