From Fragmentation to Wholeness (2023) Dessin par Marjolein Gamble

Crayon sur Papier, 31,1x26 in
1 501 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite

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Cette œuvre est encadrée
Cette oeuvre apparaît dans 1 collections
  • Œuvre d'art originale (One Of A Kind) Dessin, Crayon sur Papier
  • Dimensions 32x27 in
    Dimensions de l'oeuvre seule, sans encadrement: Hauteur 31,1in, Largeur 26in
  • État de l'œuvre L'oeuvre est en parfait état
  • Encadrement Cette œuvre est encadrée (Caisse américaine)
  • Catégories Dessins à moins de 5 000 $US Abstrait Géométrique
The theme of this work came partially through an image in a dream, a circling manikin: the beginning of a moving toy which needed more structures. (I used to teach wooden moving toymaking). Out of that picture this composition arose like a design of circling parts of a potential acrobat figure or a complete toy. It is a rather tight[...]
The theme of this work came partially through an image in a dream, a circling manikin: the beginning of a moving toy which needed more structures. (I used to teach wooden moving toymaking).

Out of that picture this composition arose like a design of circling parts of a potential acrobat figure or a complete toy.
It is a rather tight design, busy yet consistent with many colours drawn together against a flat, contrasting background expressing a sense of continuous movement. For me it is a design in its own right. It is one of my latest works exemplifying a sense of joy and lightness.

Thèmes connexes

ToyMoving ToyWholenessMovementAwakening

Traduit automatiquement
I was born and raised in The Netherlands soon after world-war two by two different families as my mother died when I was five years old. I arrived in Cape Town, alone, at the age of 17 in the middle of the[...]

I was born and raised in The Netherlands soon after world-war two by two different families as my mother died when I was five years old. I arrived in Cape Town, alone, at the age of 17 in the middle of the sixties, straight out of High School. I am still living here!

Most of my life I have taught children at both preprimary and preparatory level, which included a lot of arts and crafts. I developed creative moving toys with woodwork equipment and machinery with adults and disadvantaged youth over the years, much of it painted and with simple mechanical movements. I spent a year at Emerson College, (Sussex, U.K.) in 1974 learning woodwork and doing watercolor painting amongst other things.

I am, since 1996, teaching yoga in my own home-studio. In 2013 I started “carte-blanche” a design business using local African fabrics with the objective of creating work for local seamstresses and artisans. This came to an end with the Pandemic in early 2020.

After a lifetime of teaching others arts and crafts the Pandemic afforded me the opportunity to clear my “carte-blanche” studio and get back to my own artistic endeavours. I started with pencils (as I had designed bright blank cards and note-books in colourful pencil designs for “carte-blanche)”. It was a natural extension and new as I had done wood carving in the past.

In 2016 I wrote and illustrated my own children’s story: “The little Lemon Tree that stood.”

Voir plus de Marjolein Gamble

Voir toutes les œuvres
Crayon sur Papier | 21,7x28,7 in
1 396 $US
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984 $US
Crayon sur Papier | 16,5x22,8 in
984 $US
Crayon sur Papier | 23,2x16,5 in
984 $US


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