Radiant Angels (2004) Peinture par Lekim Ibragimov

Huile sur Toile, 15x21,3 in
8 557,43 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite

Expédié depuis: Ouzbékistan (Tube) Expédié sous 1 semaine
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97,79 $US
130,39 $US
271,65 $US
Résolution maximale: 3996 x 2796 px
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Vendeur Lekim Ibragimov

Oeuvre unique
Oeuvre signée par l'artiste
Certificat d'authenticité inclus
he poetics of the ancient and medieval art of Central Asia lives in the works of Lekim as a phenomenon of the unity of the past and the present, as a generic memory of artistic consciousness, as a look at the present from the depths of the past. His style is a synthesis of ancient Samarkand paintings, ancient Uyghur Turfan frescoes, oriental miniatures[...]
he poetics of the ancient and medieval art of Central Asia lives in the works of Lekim as a phenomenon of the unity of the past and the present, as a generic memory of artistic consciousness, as a look at the present from the depths of the past. His style is a synthesis of ancient Samarkand paintings, ancient Uyghur Turfan frescoes, oriental miniatures and Matissian traditions of European painting.

Thèmes connexes


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Lekim Ibragimov is the Professor, Honorable member of the Russian Academy of Arts, member of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Delegate to the International Conference of Artists[...]

Lekim Ibragimov is the Professor, Honorable member of the Russian Academy of Arts,
member of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Uzbekistan,
Delegate to the International Conference of Artists (Paris,1998).

The art of Lekim Ibragimov is unique.
The style of Lekim Ibragimov combines painting, drawing and calligraphy.

His works are a harmonious blend of Eastern and Western cultural heritage of modernism and poetic symbolism, traditional schools of classicismo and abstractionism and surrealism.

The exhibitions of Lekim Ibragimov was held all over the world.
1989: Personal exhibition. Luxembourg.
1990: Personal exhibition. Tashkent – Poland. India. Morocco.
1992: Personal exhibition . Germany (Munich).
1993: Personal exhibition. Germany – USA.
1994: Personal exhibition. Germany – Tavkerchen.
1995: Personal exhibition. Germany – Bavareten. International Festival of Artists.
1996: Personal exhibition. France – Paris – UNESCO.
1997: A book of poems with illustrations was published in Switzerland. The book is in the collection of the Louvre Library (Paris).
1998: Personal exhibition . Uzbekistan (Tashkent).
2000: Exhibition in Japan (Nagano).
2002: Personal exhibition. Austria.
2003: Personal exhibition. Bangladesh.
2003: Personal exhibition. Germany.
2004: Participant of the Biennale held in Beijing (China).
2005: Exhibitions in Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan), AICHI (Japan) and Paris (France).
2005: Personal exhibition . France (Paris. City de art).2005: Personal exhibition. Hungary . Budapest
2006: Exhibition of the People's Republic of China in Urumqi.
2007: Personal exhibition . Uzbekistan (Tashkent).
2008: Personal exhibition. South Korea Seoul
2008: Personal exhibition . Russia Moscow (Gallery named after Zurab Tsereteli )2011: Master Class in Russia St. Petersburg.
2023: Participant of the XIV Florence Biennale 2023. Special commendation from the President Biennale.

The paintings are located in museums and galleries , such as :
Museum of East Asia Budapest, Hungary State Museum of the East Moscow, Russia State Art Gallery Novosibirsk, Russia State Museum of Art Tashkent, Uzbekistan State Museum of Art named after A. Kasteev Almaty, Kazakhstan Gallery of the City Gallery Tavkerchen, Germany.

Voir plus de Lekim Ibragimov

Voir toutes les œuvres
Huile sur Toile | 19,3x27,6 in
9 157,04 $US
Huile sur Toile | 27,6x35,4 in
5 833,15 $US
Huile sur Toile | 23,6x31,5 in
45 195,56 $US
Huile sur Toile | 27,6x31,5 in
28 327,86 $US


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