SOULMATE TURQUOISE (2024) Arts numériques par Katarzyna Jasyk

Arts numériques, 39,4x47,2 in
1 387,26 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite

Expédié depuis: Pologne (Boîte ou emballage en carton) Expédié sous 1 semaine
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32,19 $US
129,02 $US
268,52 $US
Résolution maximale: 5000 x 4004 px
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Vendeur Katarzyna Jasyk

Oeuvre signée par l'artiste
Certificat d'authenticité inclus
Prêt à accrocher
The artwork titled "Soulmate" depicts two abstract human figures on a turquoise background. The figures are made up of a variety of irregular, overlapping patches of color, including shades of blue, red, green, brown, and purple. The use of a variety of colours and shapes creates a mosaic effect, emphasising the diversity and complexity of[...]
The artwork titled "Soulmate" depicts two abstract human figures on a turquoise background. The figures are made up of a variety of irregular, overlapping patches of color, including shades of blue, red, green, brown, and purple. The use of a variety of colours and shapes creates a mosaic effect, emphasising the diversity and complexity of human bonds. The characters, although abstract, stand opposite each other, suggesting a relationship or connection

The original, limited graphics are printed on cotton canvas, framed on a wooden stretcher, the sides are printed. It is the perfect decoration of modern interiors, as you can see in the photos.

Thèmes connexes

Digital PaintingDigital ArtColorful DigitalContemporary ArtAbstract

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I am a Polish artist with a profound passion for exploring the realms of abstract and surrealist art. My creative process involves both traditional painting with acrylics on canvas and digital art crafted on[...]

I am a Polish artist with a profound passion for exploring the realms of abstract and surrealist art. My creative process involves both traditional painting with acrylics on canvas and digital art crafted on a graphic tablet. This dual approach allows me to experiment with different mediums and techniques, blending the tactile quality of paint with the versatility of digital tools. Born and raised in Poland, I have always been drawn to the arts, finding inspiration in the natural world, dreams, and the subconscious mind. My work often delves into the complexity of human emotions, the interplay of light and shadow, and the fluidity of forms. Each piece I create is an invitation for viewers to embark on a personal journey, interpreting the shapes and colors through their own experiences and feelings. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to present my art in several exhibitions, both solo and group shows. My most recent exhibition was held in April at the Geta Stankiewicz Museum in Wrocław, a significant milestone in my career. This exhibition featured a series of works that explore the juxtaposition of chaos and order, inviting the audience to find their own balance within the compositions. My artistic process is characterized by a balance of spontaneity and meticulous planning. I often start with a loose idea or emotion and let the work evolve organically, allowing intuition to guide my choices. The use of vibrant colors, bold shapes, and intricate textures is central to my work, creating a visual language that speaks to the subconscious. In addition to my visual art, I am also passionate about engaging with the artistic community. I participate in workshops, art fairs, and collaborative projects, always seeking new ways to connect with fellow artists and art lovers. Through my art, I aim to inspire and provoke thought, encouraging viewers to see the world from different perspectives and to embrace the beauty of ambiguity and complexity.

In addition to art, I design products and interiors.

Voir plus de Katarzyna Jasyk

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