Formations V (2023) Sculpture par Joyce Fournier

Sculpture - Aluminium, 12x12 in
766,33 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite

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32,89 $US
130,82 $US
272,60 $US
Résolution maximale: 4000 x 4007 px
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Vendeur Joyce Fournier

Oeuvre unique
Oeuvre signée par l'artiste
Certificat d'authenticité inclus
Prêt à accrocher
Monté sur Châssis en bois
Cette oeuvre apparaît dans 1 collections
Here is another mixed-media work inspired by Joyce's interest in experimenting with different materials to create forms and designs. 'Formations V' has been created using the same technique and colors used in Formations IV. The work has been created using crafted forms of aluminum together with Gesso and steel wire to slowly[...]
Here is another mixed-media work inspired by Joyce's interest in experimenting with different materials to create forms and designs. 'Formations V' has been created using the same technique and colors used in Formations IV.

The work has been created using crafted forms of aluminum together with Gesso and steel wire to slowly build up solid (firm) layers. Once dry, this piece (a bit different from earlier ones in the series) has been painted in layers of gold, red oxide, quinacridone magenta, greenish blue, and warm white mixed to accentuate areas of interest. The final result is a light warm grey taupe finish with areas of the underpainting peeking through the formations to accentuate the work's three-dimensional nature. The depth of the artwork is 2 inches (0.8 + 1.2 inches at the thickest part of the mixed media formation) The work is signed on the bottom edge.

This work is ready to hang with a wire attached and is signed on the bottom edge. It works beautifully on a light or a dark wall. It will be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.

Thèmes connexes

Wall SculptureRelief SculptureMixed MediaAluminumGesso

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Joyce Fournier is a Multidisciplinary Painter and Sculptor living and working in Toronto.  Joyce's current focus is Abstract Expressionist painting using a palette of white, black, and gold to create[...]

Joyce Fournier is a Multidisciplinary Painter and Sculptor living and working in Toronto. 

Joyce's current focus is Abstract Expressionist painting using a palette of white, black, and gold to create gestural pieces in a variety of collections inspired by the works of Franz Kline, Robert Motherwell, and Pierre Soulages. It is the immediacy of gestural painting that excites her. She wants those in her audience to see what uniquely speaks to them, depending on their situation. 

 Joyce's secondary practice is in sculpture, both abstract and figurative.  Interpreting the human form was Joyce's first passion for which she was academically trained. Her most recent works are figurative sculptures in Clay and Bronze.

Over the last fifteen years, Joyce has exhibited in solo and group shows within Canada and internationally. Featured on several occasions in American Art Collector magazine since 2009, her work is found in private and public collections in Canada, the USA, and Europe.  

Voir plus de Joyce Fournier

Voir toutes les œuvres
Sculpture - Aluminium | 12x12 in
766,33 $US
Acrylique sur Toile | 42x42 in
2 322,1 $US
Acrylique sur Toile | 12x12 in
576,24 $US
Acrylique sur Toile | 20x38 in
984 $US


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