The Vintage Collection - Season 1 - Episode 1 (2022) Peinture par Jan O'Sullivan

Acrylique sur Toile, 9,1x7,1 in
467,2 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite

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Monté sur Châssis en bois
This is an original abstract artwork, in acrylic by Jan O'Sullivan. The colours in this artwork have taken inspiration from those I've observed in posters and postcards from the 1920's. - 40's. The shapes and patterns have been inspired by lacy and silky materials, and by the art deco style. The aim of my Vintage Collection[...]
This is an original abstract artwork, in acrylic by Jan O'Sullivan. The colours in this artwork have taken inspiration from those I've observed in posters and postcards from the 1920's. - 40's. The shapes and patterns have been inspired by lacy and silky materials, and by the art deco style.

The aim of my Vintage Collection is to transport the viewer from the everyday modern world to a bygone time when intense colour and indulgent texture were the essence of luxury, modernity and wealth.
This canvas has been wrapped around an interior wooden frame to bring about an artwork with overedge painting and feature corner folds.

Thèmes connexes

Art DecoGoldCopperWhiteBlack

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Jan has a prolific selection of original abstract artworks. Most of Jans original artworks are available for sale on Irish online galleries.  Please reach out to me if you are interested in buying one of my[...]

Jan has a prolific selection of original abstract artworks. Most of Jans original artworks are available for sale on Irish online galleries.  Please reach out to me if you are interested in buying one of my originals,  I am happy to negotiate so that my paintings go to their forever homes. Jan is a painter living near Stillorgan village, Dublin, Ireland. She has a love of creating things - sweet wrapper dresses on icepop sticks at first, followed by upcycling t-shirts with embroidery and beading. She followed a career path in IT and found satisfaction in the creativity of system design and technical writing. After setting up home Jan found a new outlet for her creativity by designing and producing printed and then handmade cards, followed by teaching arts and crafts in a local school. Jan experimented with painting artworks for her own home, and then after some time producing artworks for sale. She focuses on colour, texture, and balance and is at ease creating totally random and intuitive artworks. She considers her artwork as being like a beautiful piece of bespoke furniture or decor. She always tries to consider the type of space an artwork would work best with. 

Voir plus de Jan O'Sullivan

Voir toutes les œuvres
Acrylique sur Toile | 7,9x7,9 in
502,63 $US
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