True Covenant (2023) Peinture par Ilse Kleyn Jordaan

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Vendeur Ilse Kleyn Jordaan

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Vendeur Ilse Kleyn Jordaan

  • Œuvre d'art originale (One Of A Kind) Peinture, Huile sur Toile
  • Dimensions Hauteur 43,3in, Largeur 31,5in
  • État de l'œuvre L'oeuvre est en parfait état
  • Encadrement Cette oeuvre n'est pas encadrée
  • Catégories Art spirituel Animal
True Covenant Courtship of the Bald Eagle involves the two of them flying up high where they grasp talons and then glide in dramatic fashion back to the ground. This is called the Cartwheel. They would then break apart at the last minute before hitting the ground. After this spectacular and strenuous courtship flight, it is time for mating.
True Covenant
Courtship of the Bald Eagle involves the two of them flying up high where they grasp talons and then glide in dramatic fashion back to the ground. This is called the Cartwheel. They would then break apart at the last minute before hitting the ground. After this spectacular and strenuous courtship flight, it is time for mating.
It is said that this Cartwheel flight helps to bond the pair for life. But what it looks like is 2 eagles fighting and plummeting to the earth. The theory is if the eagles do this and they let go too soon, he or she might be signaling to a potential mate that they are not as bold or strong as they may need to be to raise young successfully. The other extreme is that if they don't pull out of that maneuver in time, they can be severely injured or kill themselves. They are establishing a bond between them. Such a tight bond where not even death scares them away. They are literally trusting each other with their lives. (Bald eagles typically mate for life. )
This is not only a picture of a marriage but also the bond of Christ with his bride. (Covenant)
Gen 2:24 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
In Hebrew, the word “cleve” means ‘dâbaq’. Meaning to cling, stick, stay close, cleave, keep close, stick to, stick with, follow closely, to be joined to, overtake, catch. The Hebrew term to “join” or “cleave,” (dâbaq), is a very strong expression that has the literal sense of two being held together by force, as when one person captures another. It has a figurative sense of being “glued to” – much like these two eagles with their locked talons.
We read several times of God commanding His people to cleave unto Him (Deu_10:20; Deu_11:22; Deu_13:4; Jos_22:5; Jos_23:8), such cleaving demonstrates true love for Him (Deu_30:20).
Another example of such faithfulness appears in Psalm 119:31, where the psalmist says to God, “I have stuck unto thy testimonies.” “Stuck” is dāḇaq. In Psalm 119:25, David says, “My soul cleaveth unto the dust,” that is, despair was sticking to him as though it were glued. Now, however, it is he who is glued, glued to God’s Word. “While the dust of despair is glued to me,” David says in effect, “I am ever glued to God’s standards”. A woodworker uses glue to join boards together, and so strong is that bond that the board will break in another spot before it will break on that joint. That is how we are to be glued to the Word of God. This is how these birds are cleaving to each other while tumbling to the ground. Each one’s life in the other one’s hands (talons).
This is thus a symbol of how we should be stuck, glued to our marriage partner - in true covenant – in sickness and in health, through the good and bad times. True love does not run away when the hardship of life makes its appearance. This is not only a picture of the meaning of covenant between a woman and her husband, but also between Christ and His Bride. True unity and oneness.
Heb 8:10 “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people”
Heb 13:20 & 21 “Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. “

Thèmes connexes

EagleEaglesCouring EaglesCovenant

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Ilse Kleyn was born in Vanderbijlpark, a small town is South-Africa. Her father was a policeman and her mother a hairdresser. When she was a little girl her father got promoted and they moved to[...]

Ilse Kleyn was born in Vanderbijlpark, a small town is South-Africa. Her father was a policeman and her mother a hairdresser.

When she was a little girl her father got promoted and they moved to a town called Barkley-East where he was the head of the Stock theft unit. This is where Ilse won her 1st art competition and her love for art was born. Due to sad circumstances, her mother and father got divorced and Ilse and her mother and brother moved back to Vanderbijlpark where she finished school.

It was her dream to study art. But her father persuaded her to look at a more steady income and to join the South African Police Force. In 1990 Ilse joined the Police in Pretoria as a Police Artist drawing wanted criminals, stolen property, designing posters, pamphlets ext. After two years she relocated to Cape Town – still working at ID Kitt in the Police. In Cape Town Ilse met her husband and they started a family. During this time she studied her Police diploma and soon were promoted to Captain. During her police career of 16 years, she worked at various departments including Diamond and Gold Unit and Occult related crimes.

When the two babies got bigger, Ilse found more spare time for herself and picked up on her nearly forgotten dream of becoming an artist. Soon the homes of all the family were decorated with Ilse’s paintings and strangers started asking for paintings. Ilse’s husband saw great potential and took her work to galleries - this proved to be very positive.

Within a year the demand for her work was getting more and more – so much that she had to make a choice. She chose her dream and left the Police in Augusts 2006.
Ilse sold 103 painting the first year as a full-time artist. With the help of her heavenly Father, she proved to her earthly father that doing what you were born to do is a far better way to earn an income. She has no formal training in the arts. But obtained her Bachelors degree in Theology in 2020.

Voir plus de Ilse Kleyn Jordaan

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