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Strawberries Oil Paintings (Set of 2 Paintings) (2024) Peinture par Indrani Ghosh
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Œuvre d'art originale (One Of A Kind)
sur Papier
- Dimensions Hauteur 12in, Largeur 10in
- État de l'œuvre L'oeuvre est en parfait état
- Encadrement Cette oeuvre n'est pas encadrée
- Catégories Peintures à moins de 500 $US Impressionnisme Nature morte
impressionistic style. The texture of the oil paint adds depth to the strawberries and their surrounding environment.
1. 1st Painting: The strawberries are placed on a wooden surface, with a soft, neutral-toned background that fades into light grays and whites. The
strawberries are detailed, with visible seeds and green leaves, with the light reflecting off their glossy surfaces. The wooden surface adds a warm, natural
tone, contrasting with the cool, muted background.
2. 2nd Painting: This painting offers a darker take on the same subject. The strawberries are positioned similarly but are set against a much darker
background, almost black, with some hints of gray and brown textures. The contrast between the vibrant red of the strawberries and the dark background
creates a dramatic effect, making the fruit stand out more prominently. The wooden surface in this painting appears slightly darker as well, blending more
into the background.
Overall, the paintings explore the interplay of light and shadow, color contrast, and the richness of texture, showcasing strawberries as the central
subject in two distinct lighting scenarios. The use of oil paint brings a tactile quality to the work, making the strawberries appear almost tangible.
*Size: 5"x 12"
*Original Handmade oil paintings on paper by brush.
*Made by me - Indrani Ghosh. This is not a copy or a print.
*Signature on the back.
To hang this painting on the wall you will need a frame.
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I have been working as a full time artist for the last few years. Texture, dimension, color, and good design are the basis for my work. I am inspired by nature, travel, and the colors of Nature, City and Villages. I work on expressionistic acrylic paintings and impressionistic impasto oil paintings. They are often explosive with color, depth, and texture. While light and architecture play an important part in how I create a sense of place, I also use color and texture as a way to provoke strong emotions. I hope a viewer of my paintings can connect, discover, explore, and take on a journey.
I only make original works. Each painting is a one of a kind, so you will have the only
- Nationalité: INDE
- Date de naissance : date inconnue
- Domaines artistiques:
- Groupes: Artistes Contemporains Indiens