Sculptures de fleurs à vendre

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Sculpture intitulée "Love Whispers Bubble" par Yuliia Khovbosha, Œuvre d'art originale, Pâte polymère
Love Whispers Bubble - Sculpture, 4,7x4,7 in ©2021 par Yuliia Khovbosha - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, Fleur, glass bubble sculpture, hyper-realistic bluebells, romantic art piece, marriage proposal sculpture, love and commitment artwork, timeless romance, Hyacinthoides, commemorative art, romantic proposal concept, romantic glass sculpture, proposal commemoration art, eternal love symbol, engagement moment, love story, hyper-realistic floral art, sentimental sculpture, romantic garden, special moment captured, relationship, milestone

Yuliia Khovbosha

"Love Whispers Bubble"

Sculpture - Pâte polymère | 4,7x4,7 in

Sculpture intitulée "pair of pomegranates" par Aleksandra Shvetskaia (ASHV), Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
pair of pomegranates - Sculpture, 4,3x5,5 in ©2021 par Aleksandra Shvetskaia (ASHV) - Figurative, figurative-594, Fleur, Pomegranate, sunny, fruit

Aleksandra Shvetskaia (ASHV)

"pair of pomegranates"

Sculpture - Bronze | 4,3x5,5 in

Pas à Vendre
Sculpture intitulée "Cactus Flowers" par Isabelle Pelletane, Œuvre d'art originale, Résine
Cactus Flowers - Sculpture, 27,6x6,3 in ©2021 par Isabelle Pelletane - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Fleur, cactus, flower, fleur, action painting, resin, sculpture, Pelletane, graffiti, street art, pop art

Isabelle Pelletane

"Cactus Flowers"

Sculpture - Résine | 27,6x6,3 in

Pas à Vendre
Sculpture intitulée "Hydra" par Andrei Latyshev, Œuvre d'art originale, Bois
Hydra - Sculpture, 3,9x3 in ©2023 par Andrei Latyshev - Abstract, abstract-570, Fleur, Hydra, wooden sculpture, linden, tulip, abstract, handmade, unique, one of a kind, exclusive, 2023, Ukraine, miniature

Andrei Latyshev


Sculpture - Bois | 3,9x3 in

1 444,49 $US


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