Igor Filippov Profile Picture

Igor Filippov

Garchizy, France
Artist (Painting, Printmaking)
Born unknown date

Igor Filippov is a Russian artist, illustrator and scenographer. He exposes his works internationally and takes part also in other fields such as children’s books and films.
His graphic universe is inspired by Scandinavian culture and mythology. Igor plays with space and colors, surrealistic characters and paraphrases reality with abstract expressions.

Discover contemporary artworks by Igor Filippov, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary french artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Printmaking. Account type: Artist , member since 2015 (Country of origin France). Buy Igor Filippov's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Igor Filippov. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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7 artworks by Igor Filippov (Selection)

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Gravutre • 7 artworks

Printmaking titled "Le Coq" by Igor Filippov, Original Artwork, Engraving
Le Coq - Printmaking, 13.8x9.5 in ©2015 by Igor Filippov - Illustration, illustration-600, Stainless Steel, Metal, Paper, coq, gravure, eau forte, illustration, mythe, culture, mystique, animaux
"Le Coq"

Printmaking | 13.8x9.5 in

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Printmaking titled "Les idoles" by Igor Filippov, Original Artwork, Etching
Les idoles - Printmaking, 7.9x17.3 in ©2007 by Igor Filippov - Illustration, illustration-600, Stainless Steel, Metal, gravure, eau forte, illustration, idoles, chevaux
"Les idoles"

Printmaking | 7.9x17.3 in

Not For Sale
Printmaking titled "Le Hibou" by Igor Filippov, Original Artwork, Engraving
Le Hibou - Printmaking, 13.8x9.5 in ©2015 by Igor Filippov - Figurative, figurative-594, Stainless Steel, Metal, gravure, eau forte, fantastique, mythe, culture, imaginaire, décor
"Le Hibou"

Printmaking | 13.8x9.5 in

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Printmaking titled "L'idole" by Igor Filippov, Original Artwork, Etching
L'idole - Printmaking, 7.9x17.3 in ©2007 by Igor Filippov - Abstract, abstract-570, Stainless Steel, Metal, gravure, illustration, eau forte, mythe, spiritualité, culture, mystique

Printmaking | 7.9x17.3 in

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Printmaking titled "Le Basilic" by Igor Filippov, Original Artwork, Engraving
Le Basilic - Printmaking, 13.8x9.5 in ©2015 by Igor Filippov - Figurative, figurative-594, Stainless Steel, Metal, eau forte, mythe, culture, fantastique, mystique, imaginaire, illustration
"Le Basilic"

Printmaking | 13.8x9.5 in

Not For Sale
Printmaking titled "L'indien" by Igor Filippov, Original Artwork, Etching
L'indien - Printmaking, 7.9x17.3 in ©2006 by Igor Filippov - Illustration, illustration-600, Stainless Steel, Metal, Gravure, eau forte, aquatinte, indien, illustration, mythe, graphique, fantastique, mystique

Printmaking | 7.9x17.3 in

Not For Sale
Printmaking titled "Le Roi dormant" by Igor Filippov, Original Artwork, Engraving
Le Roi dormant - Printmaking, 7.9x17.3 in ©2003 by Igor Filippov - Illustration, illustration-600, Stainless Steel, Metal, gravure, eau forte, illuastration, roi, mythe, spiritualité, mystique, culture
"Le Roi dormant"

Printmaking | 7.9x17.3 in

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