Brushstrokes of Identity I (2024) Peinture par Carlos Gamez De Francisco

Aquarelle sur Papier, 26x20 in
4 831 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite

Avis clients (2)
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In my work, I am inquiring about the problematic and subjective notion of power by altering the historical role of portraits in society. For centuries, portraiture was used as a method for the bourgeoisie to demonstrate their wealth and success through the use of extravagant decorations and garments. My intention is to deconstruct the representation[...]
In my work, I am inquiring about the problematic and subjective notion of power by altering the historical role of portraits in society. For centuries, portraiture was used as a method for the bourgeoisie to demonstrate their wealth and success through the use of extravagant decorations and garments. My intention is to deconstruct the representation of power and opulence.

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Carlos Gamez de Francisco (b.1987, Holguin, Cuba) lives and works in Fort Myers, FL. He has received numerous awards including the Fine Art Photographer of the Year at Moscow International Photo Awards, the[...]

Carlos Gamez de Francisco (b.1987, Holguin, Cuba) lives and works in Fort Myers, FL. He has received numerous awards including the Fine Art Photographer of the Year at Moscow International Photo Awards, the Honorable Mention at International Color Awards and Tokio International Photo Awards; the Museum Guild Purchase Award at Evansville Museum; the SAIC Distinguished Scholarship at The Art Institute of Chicago; the Key to the City of Louisville by Mayor Greg Fischer; and the “Dreammakers” Artist in Residence at Muhammad Ali Center. He has had solo shows at 21c Museum, Bentonville, AR; Kenise Barnes Fine Art, Larchmont, NY, Hardcore Art Contemporary Space, Miami, FL; Muhammad Ali Museum, Louisville, KY; and the Colonial Museum of Fine Arts, Havana. Gamez de Francisco is represented in the collections of the 21c Museum, Louisville, KY; the Fashion Resource Center at The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL; the Cubaocho Museum & Performing Arts Center, Miami, FL; and the Louisville Metro Hall, Louisville, KY. 

Voir plus de Carlos Gamez De Francisco

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2 929 $US
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