Millefiori (2023) Pittura da Claire Mcinnerny

Venditore Claire Mcinnerny

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Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
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Quest'opera d'arte appare in 3 collezioni
Millefiori. Detailed and precise imaginary work. Striking bright colours, gold, silver, iridescent leaves, plants and flowers. Some leaves are done in collage and embellished with accents of bright blue sparkle. The white flowers sparkle in the centre. Contemporay mixed media work. Black ribbon around the canvas. Ruban noir autour du tableau.[...]
Millefiori. Detailed and precise imaginary work. Striking bright colours, gold, silver, iridescent leaves, plants and flowers. Some leaves are done in collage and embellished with accents of bright blue sparkle. The white flowers sparkle in the centre. Contemporay mixed media work.
Black ribbon around the canvas.
Ruban noir autour du tableau.

Temi correlati

MillefioriMixed MediaDetailLightFlowers

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A French National, I have lived and worked in England as a Languages Secondary School Teacher. Then I went to Art School in London. I have sold work all over the world and now share my time between London and[...]

A French National, I have lived and worked in England as a Languages Secondary School Teacher. Then I went to Art School in London. I have sold work all over the world and now share my time between London and Burgundy, France, where I have my studio and where I teach. I exhibit several times a year in and around Beaune, Burgundy.
Every new painting is an adventure, an experiment with textures and composition. I paint with acrylics and oils and I mix all sorts of media, sand, glue, paper, charcoal, pastel, inks etc... I let the creative process take over and techniques sometimes override composition. I never erase anything, all "errors" being fortuitous and part of the transient process of creating miracles on the canvas. I am an expressionist mostly and my work is imaginary but I have done commissioned portraits and landscapes for clients. I have also worked in theatre ( scenery/ props design ) in the UK and some of my paintings have been chosen for plays and set designs.
I am registered as an Artist in The UK.

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Acrilico su Tela | 36x28,7 in
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Acrilico su Tela | 35,4x35,4 in
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Acrilico su Tela | 39,4x39,4 in
2.198,37 USD
Acrilico su Tela | 35,4x35,4 in
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