Dr. Egia Naris (2011) Arts numériques par Bob Bello

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27,05 $US
46,52 $US
100,61 $US
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Vendeur Bob Bello

Licence numérique

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32,00 $US
130,00 $US
270,00 $US
Résolution maximale: 1800 x 2700 px
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Les artistes touchent leurs droits d'auteur à chaque vente

Vendeur Bob Bello

  • Ce travail est une "Open Edition" Arts numériques, Giclée / Impression numérique
  • Dimensions Plusieurs tailles disponibles
  • Plusieurs supports disponibles (Papier d'art, Impression sur métal, Impression sur toile)
  • Encadrement Encadrement disponible (Caisse américaine + sous verre, Cadre + sous verre acrylique)
  • État de l'œuvre L'oeuvre est en parfait état
  • Catégories Illustration Science-fiction
Dr. Egia Naris from "Timewreck" (and other spinoffs), published in the STARCALL Anthology, Vol.1 (2011), sold in all formats at Amazon/author/bobbello À propos de cette œuvre: Classification, Techniques & Styles [...]
Dr. Egia Naris from "Timewreck" (and other spinoffs), published in the STARCALL Anthology, Vol.1 (2011), sold in all formats at Amazon/author/bobbello

Thèmes connexes

Sci-FiBob BelloStarcall AnthologyDoctor Egia NarisInk Watercolor Portrait

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A 1983 Art School graduate and 1987 National Theater Academy postgraduate, Bob Bello is a veteran sci-fi writer/producer and visionary artist. Most of his works are now published in the STARCALL Anthology of[...]

A 1983 Art School graduate and 1987 National Theater Academy postgraduate, Bob Bello is a veteran sci-fi writer/producer and visionary artist. Most of his works are now published in the STARCALL Anthology of Novelized Radio Dramas & Teleplays, at Amazon.com/author/bobbello - Network with him at Instagram.com/timeshiptv

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