Homage after Van Gogh's Wheat Field With Crows (2017) Peinture par Atom Hovhanesyan

Huile sur Toile, 30x40 in
152 712 $US
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Monté sur Châssis en bois
Post Divisionism: I’ve been developing the idea for quite some time, it began by accidentally (and in a frustrated fit) adding lines over lines which at certain point began taking a shape of a female figure. After many experiments and adjustments I arrived at a point which I can describe as post divisionist. The main point of the approach is[...]
Post Divisionism: I’ve been developing the idea for quite some time, it began by accidentally (and in a frustrated fit) adding lines over lines which at certain point began taking a shape of a female figure.
After many experiments and adjustments I arrived at a point which I can describe as post divisionist. The main point of the approach is to create a unified fabric of space, to have the figure part of the fabric of the plane  and the space to almost warp in to the figure and to challenge the idea of negative vs positive space.

Thèmes connexes

Wheat Field

Traduit automatiquement
Atom Hovhanesyan Atom Hovhanesyan was a self-taught artist that worked and lived in New York.  He was born in Armenia on August 19, 1981.  At three weeks, he and his mother traveled to Algeria, to join[...]

Atom Hovhanesyan

Atom Hovhanesyan was a self-taught artist that worked and lived in New York.  He was born in Armenia on August 19, 1981.  At three weeks, he and his mother traveled to Algeria, to join his father who was a Professor in Ain Taya, near the capital, Algiers.  He grew into a healthy and happy toddler, in an idyllic middle-class community on the Mediterranean Sea, surrounded by his parents and sister, in a community of Soviet specialist on official assignment in Algeria.   

Early in Atom’s formative years, it quickly became apparent that he was an extremely serious, sensitive, and inquisitive child.  He displayed extraordinary compassion towards his classmates and peers and often attracted the attention of other parents due to the compassion and kindness he showed to everyone.  

In 1983, Atom and his family returned to Armenia, where he completed his primary and secondary education.   Atom’s childhood followed a normal course: he loved soccer and tennis and excelled in his studies of literature, geography, history, and biology. It was during this time that his interest in drawing developed.  

It was a period of extreme optimism and stability for the family.  Unfortunately, this optimism in Armenia was eclipsed by a devastating natural disaster, war, the collapse of the Soviet Union and economic instability.   

In 1997, just as Atom graduated from high school at age 16, his family received final Embassy approval for immigration to the United States.  That same year Atom enrolled at New York University to study English and began a part time job at a national restaurant chain.  In 1998, Atom applied and was accepted at St. John’s University where he studied Economics while continuing to work in the restaurant industry where he excelled and quickly moved into key management positions in both the New York and Los Angeles restaurant market.  

Atom relocated from Los Angeles to New York in 2009 and began painting-- the passion of his childhood and youth.

 Initially, the focus was on getting a feel for applying paint on canvas.  His first paintings were abstract.  He then began to paint portraits and landscapes.  A considered and methodical autodidact, he busied himself with the study of anatomy, perspective, effects of light, color theory, art history, and the works of the Old Masters and the Modern Masters. 

Between 2013 and 2017, Atom studied at the Art Students League of New York and the National Academy of New York.  He continued to develop his unique post-divisionist style, working in oils and ink.  Atom Hovhanesyan created over 250 pieces of art before losing his battle with depression in May 2018.  He was 36 years old.

Voir plus de Atom Hovhanesyan

Voir toutes les œuvres
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122 502 $US
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