Passage to the Netherworld (2006) Pittura da Alexander Chalovsky

Olio su Carta, 23,6x47,2 in
5.405,17 USD
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Carta per belle arti, 6x12 in

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Quest'opera d'arte appare in 1 collezioni
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Olio su Carta
  • Dimensioni Altezza 23,6in, Larghezza 47,2in
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in buone condizioni
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 20.000 USD Figurativo Mitologia
Title: "Passage to the Netherworld" Medium: Encaustic on Paper From the cycle "Egypt“ 60x120 2006 Description: "Passage to the Netherworld" is an evocative black-and-white encaustic painting that captures the solemn and mystical moment of Osiris's journey[...]
Title: "Passage to the Netherworld"

Medium: Encaustic on Paper
From the cycle "Egypt“


"Passage to the Netherworld" is an evocative black-and-white encaustic painting that captures the solemn and mystical moment of Osiris's journey to the world of the dead, accompanied by the goddesses Isis and Nephthys. This piece, enriched with bronze highlights, is a visual and philosophical exploration of the fragile nature of existence and the cosmic disruptions caused by humanity's emergence.

In the heart of the composition, Osiris lies serenely on a sacred boat, his form meticulously rendered with layers of wax that add depth and texture. His tranquil expression and regal bearing signify his acceptance of the journey to the afterlife. The encaustic technique, with its unique ability to create luminous and textured surfaces, imbues Osiris's figure with a ghostly, otherworldly presence.

Isis and Nephthys stand on either side of the boat, their figures bathed in the soft interplay of light and shadow. Isis, depicted with her protective wings, appears as a guardian of the soul, while Nephthys mirrors her sister's solemnity, their expressions a blend of sorrow and reverence. The black-and-white palette intensifies the emotional gravity of the scene, stripping away color to focus on the spiritual essence of the deities.

Above the deities, two suns painted in bronze add a striking and mysterious element to the composition. These dual suns, with their metallic sheen, cast an enigmatic glow over the scene, symbolizing the paradox of life and death, and the cosmic balance between creation and destruction. Their presence introduces a sense of celestial disturbance, suggesting a rupture in the divine order.

The background is a swirling sea of blacks and grays, created through the manipulation of encaustic wax. These turbulent patterns evoke a sense of chaos and cosmic upheaval, reflecting the idea that the perfection of the world was shattered by the arrival of humanity. This backdrop contrasts sharply with the calm figures of the deities, emphasizing the tension between the eternal divine and the flawed mortal realm.

"Passage to the Netherworld" is more than a depiction of a mythological journey; it is a meditation on the imperfection of existence and the profound disruptions caused by human consciousness. Through extensive research in art history and modern philosophical thought, this work suggests that humanity's entrance into the world brought about a fundamental collapse of a previously perfect divine order.

This painting invites viewers to reflect on the delicate balance between life and death, order and chaos, and the eternal quest for meaning in an imperfect world. Through the mysterious and intricate encaustic technique, "Passage to the Netherworld" stands as a testament to the enduring power of myth and philosophy to explore and understand the complexities of human existence.

Temi correlati

Mixed MediaFine ArtFigure PaintingMetaphysicaPhilosophy

Tradotto automaticamente
Alexander Chalovsky is an artist who works in the style of modern art, graphics and collage. He is also a professor of art. Member International Federation artist His first public exhibit was in[...]

Alexander Chalovsky is an artist who works in the style of modern art, graphics and collage. He is also a professor of art. Member International Federation artist

His first public exhibit was in 1992

One of the significant projects of Alexander Chalovsky was called “The Method of Nureyev” which has fully exposed the individual method and style of the artist. It was inspired and devoted to the work of worldwide famous ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev.

As a result of these studies, a big collection of paintings was done where one can see the progress starting with the abstract art of the 90th and ending with the figurative art combining line art with oil painting on the base of Chinese graphics. Technically, he has used the concept of appropriation based on graphics methods and artworks of the Austrian artist Lembruk.

Some of the artworks of Alexander Chalovsky were exhibited in Paris, France at The Russian Cultural Centre and in Washington, USA (during the days of the Kirov Academy of Ballet) as well as in the 5-th Moscow biennial of Modern Art and a personal exhibition in the department of Pushkin Museum of Art at Kazan Kremlin as well as the biennial of modern art in London 2023.

Vedere più a proposito di Alexander Chalovsky

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