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Yulia Isaeva

Artist (Painting)
Born 1980

Yulia Isaeva is a contemporary Russian painter. Notably, she contributed to the All-Russian exhibition of contemporary artists titled "Art - The Way of the World" at the prestigious New Tretyakov Gallery (State Tretyakov Gallery) in Moscow.

An international footprint is marked by Yulia's involvement in the International Innovative Art Project "Material Vibe" hosted at the Color Senses Project gallery in the vibrant city of Miami. In October 2023, her outstanding contributions were acknowledged with a nomination for the esteemed "People's Choice Award" during the "Material Vibe" exhibition in Miami.

Yulia's affiliation with esteemed artistic unions reflects her commitment to the craft. She proudly holds membership in the Eurasian Artistic Union, the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, and the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. These associations bear witness to her dedication to the artistic community and her pursuit of excellence in the realm of visual arts.

A testament to her artistic prowess, Yulia Isaeva is currently immersed in the creation of a captivating series of abstract works. These pieces are destined for display in a solo exhibition scheduled for Moscow in 2024, promising an exploration of her unique artistic perspective and creative evolution.

In her collaborative ventures, Yulia has engaged in fruitful partnerships with notable figures in the art world. Notably, she collaborates with the curator, art critic, and art consultant Irina Bogatikova, as well as the accomplished artist Alexey Vaulin. These collaborations underscore her commitment to fostering connections within the art community and exploring diverse realms of creativity.

As Yulia Isaeva continues to make her mark in the contemporary art scene, her innovative and expressive approach promises to captivate audiences globally, offering a glimpse into the evolving landscape of Russian artistic expression.

Discover contemporary artworks by Yulia Isaeva, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary american artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Artist represented by Artseeker Gallery. Account type: Artist , member since 2023 (Country of origin United States). Buy Yulia Isaeva's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Yulia Isaeva. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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