Existence02 (2020) Sculpture by Yasuo Kiyonaga

Sculpture - Wood, 14.1x16.3 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Panel
Les feuilles des érables japonais sont progressivement colorées avant la chute. Les feuilles devenues rouges, brunes et jaunes semblent brûler leur vie. Je colle ces feux sur la planche peinte. Chaque fois qu'elles sont collées sur des planches de n'importe quelle couleur et forme, les feuilles des érables japonais existent et continuent[...]
Les feuilles des érables japonais sont progressivement colorées avant la chute. Les feuilles devenues rouges, brunes et jaunes semblent brûler leur vie. Je colle ces feux sur la planche peinte.
Chaque fois qu'elles sont collées sur des planches de n'importe quelle couleur et forme, les feuilles des érables japonais existent et continuent de brûler leur vie.

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Artist represented by Gallery Japanesque Paris
Yasuo Kiyonaga is an artist and photographer who translates in a surreal way the phenomena of all universes such as nature, mountain villages, cities and human beings. Captured by his viewfinder,[...]

Yasuo Kiyonaga is an artist and photographer who translates in a surreal way the phenomena of all universes such as nature, mountain villages, cities and human beings. Captured by his viewfinder, the subjects are first deconstructed, then given new forms before the meaning of their existence is revealed by Kiyonaga. The artist breaks through the conventional notion of “photography”. He uses his unique technique to reconcile seemingly incompatible phenomena: photography and painting, nature and artifice, the two- and three-dimensional, past and future or even dream and reality, until he achieves the sublimation of his art.

Yasuo Kiyonaga was born in 1948 in Kagawa prefecture in Japan. His activities are based in Tokyo, Kyoto and Paris. He decided to take up photography in 1966, influenced by Jean-Eugène Atget and Aaron Siskind. After graduating from photography school in 1970, he joined Recruit Co., then in 1980, he founded SHC, which is today a leader in this sector.

While having remained in the world of photojournalism for a long time, Kiyonaga undertakes new challenges at the cutting edge of progress within corporate communication. His own points of view, observations, conceptions and judgments nourished by various experiences are the source of his current creative activities.

Kiyonaga has seriously resumed his artistic activities since 1995. He is also a gallery owner: he has opened several galleries in order to present Japanese and foreign photographers and to exhibit his own work there. He is also the author of several photo books: Leslie (1999), Spirit of Forest (2007), Paris Sketch (2012), The Japanese Beautiful Landscapes series (2008-), Japanese Tools (2015), Ujô Senses of Rain ( 2016).

See more from Yasuo Kiyonaga

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