Freezing day (2021) Painting by Georgii Tril

Watercolor on Paper, 10.6x15.2 in
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Seller Georgii Tril

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Max resolution: 4000 x 2732 px
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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Georgii Tril

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
Winter frosty day. There is a hut in the distance, smoke is curling from the chimney. Footprints in the snow, perhaps a spree husband returned home, where a loving wife was waiting for him with a slight frown, with a rolling pin in hand ... Or maybe the man brought in a bag of money borrowed from one of the unobtrusive, affectionate banks,[...]
Winter frosty day. There is a hut in the distance, smoke is curling from the chimney. Footprints in the snow, perhaps a spree husband returned home, where a loving wife was waiting for him with a slight frown, with a rolling pin in hand ...
Or maybe the man brought in a bag of money borrowed from one of the unobtrusive, affectionate banks, advertised with all their might by popular clowns who have not found a more worthy application for their multifaceted talents due to their extreme poverty and hopelessness of being ... The house smells of pies and moonshine, now you can celebrate your wife with a new fur coat and felt boots, and at the same time buy something firearms for self-defense, if suddenly the collectors decide to not very meticulously comply with legislative standards ... :))
The work was done with high-quality watercolors on watercolor paper with a density of 300g / m2.

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Hello!  My name is Georgy Tril. Was born in the city of Simferopol.  I live in a beautiful place on the Black Sea coast in Yalta. From a young age, seeing such beauty around - the sea, mountains,[...]


My name is Georgy Tril. Was born in the city of Simferopol. 

I live in a beautiful place on the Black Sea coast in Yalta. From a young age, seeing such beauty around - the sea, mountains, blooming nature, enchanting sunrises and sunsets, I became interested in drawing, wood carving. Over time, this hobby moved to a professional level. 

Feeling, he graduated from the Rostov State Pedagogical University, the graphic arts department in 1990, having defended his thesis with honors. 

Over the years, the skill has been honed, a well-recognizable individual style has developed. I prefer to work on medium format works, because it suits my style the most, and works of this kind are most in demand by the public and my audience. 

I am a member of the Creative Union of Artists of the International Federation of Russian Artists since 1999. 

Member of the International Art Fund since 2006 .

Participant of many exhibitions, some of them: 

1999 Hotel "Radisson-Slavyanskaya", Business Center, Moscow; Gallery "Elena", Moscow.

 2000 Moscow International Art Salon "CHA-2000" 

2001 Moscow International Art Salon "CHA-2001". 

2002 Moscow International Art Salon "Central House of Artists-2002"

 2006 5th International Exhibition "Eros-Moscow". 

   Listed in the UNIFIED REGISTER OF PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS of the Russian Empire, the USSR, the Russian emigration, the Russian Federation and the republics of the former Soviet Union (XVIII - XXI centuries), Tril Georgy Petrovich / 03.02.1959 / with category 2-4D.

 For creativity, more than three hundred sculptures from hundreds of paintings were created. Works are in private galleries in Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, China, Hungary, Germany, USA .

See more from Georgii Tril

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