IPHONE ERA (2013) Painting by Wabyanko

Acrylic on Paper, 11.8x15.8 in
Price: Free Shipping

Seller Wabyanko
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This artwork appears in 4 collections
  • Original Artwork Painting, Acrylic on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 11.8in, Width 15.8in
  • Categories Paintings under $500 Surrealism Religion
This painting is named IPHONE RELIGION era. In this painting, Wabyanko rewrote the story of Adam and Eve. Instead of eating the apple that is forbidden, they have adapted to our current society and live a materialistic life. Those who are in red holding "Green Notes" are crazy about the "Apple IPhone". Everyone lives in his[...]
This painting is named IPHONE RELIGION era. In this painting, Wabyanko rewrote the story of Adam and Eve. Instead of eating the apple that is forbidden, they have adapted to our current society and live a materialistic life.
Those who are in red holding "Green Notes" are crazy about the "Apple IPhone". Everyone lives in his own telecommunication world and ignores all the others. It's sad to see that Adam and Eve are addicted to their own high-tech smart mobile phone instead of enjoying their daily life in the holy garden, isn't it? Maybe the snake is the happiest one in the garden now???

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 Wabyanko is originally from Brittany, he travels the world thanks to his activities in artistic and digital sectors. Now based in Nantes, he continues to develop his creations on physical and digital[...]

 Wabyanko is originally from Brittany, he travels the world thanks to his activities in artistic and digital sectors.

Now based in Nantes, he continues to develop his creations on physical and digital media.

His work inspired by the covid virus was selected to illustrate one of Fortune's international conferences in July 2020 to reflect on the effects of the health crisis.

The works of the artist Wabyanko can be found throughout the world among private art collectors in the USA, Europe and Asia in Hong Kong and Singapore.

The art market expert AKOUN has established a quotation for the artist, a guarantee of reference for art collectors.

Wabyanko regularly exhibits at international art fairs in Paris and Brussels.

Wabyanko is developing its national presence through projects with artist collectives, and calls for projects in line with its research themes. He aspires to exhibit in places supporting the socio-political and biodiversity issues of our time.

See more from Wabyanko

View all artworks
Acrylic on Paper | 11.8x15.8 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 7.9x7.9 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 11.8x11.8 in
Acrylic on Paper | 7.9x7.9 in


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