The sea of harmony (2022) Pittura da Vladislav Guzeev

Olio su Tela, 23,6x27,6 in
821 USD
Prezzo: Spedizione gratuita

Spedito da: Russia (Imballaggio in scatola o cartone) Spedito entro 2 giorni - Potrebbero essere applicati ulteriori ritardi a causa della situazione attuale nel paese
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Licenza digitale

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33,00 USD
130,00 USD
271,00 USD
Risoluzione massima: 3898 x 3362 px
Scarica subito dopo l'acquisto
Gli artisti vengono pagati i diritti d'autore per ogni vendita

Venditore Vladislav Guzeev

Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Pronto da appendere
Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
One day, at the end of summer, I decided to go to the seaside to spend a few weeks in peace and quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I've always found something magical and soothing in the sea, and this place promised to be perfect for me. During these weeks, I spent a lot of time on the shore, watching the sea, its waves,[...]
One day, at the end of summer, I decided to go to the seaside to spend a few weeks in peace and quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I've always found something magical and soothing in the sea, and this place promised to be perfect for me.
During these weeks, I spent a lot of time on the shore, watching the sea, its waves, its movement and its color. I tried to capture all this beauty on canvas, creating many sketches and sketches. Every day I watched the sea change its color depending on the time of day and the weather. Sometimes it was calm and gentle, and sometimes it was stormy and menacing.
One day, during a particularly strong storm, I saw something extraordinary. That day the sea was dark and stormy, but in its depths I noticed a strange glow, as if the sea was glowing from within. It was so amazing and wonderful that I realized that this is what every person who wants to find harmony should see.
When I returned home, I started working on a painting I called The Sea of Harmony. I used all my sketches and memories of the sea to create something unique and fascinating.
In the painting, I tried to convey all the complexity and beauty of the sea, its harmony and grandeur.
I wanted everyone who looks at my painting to feel the same peace and tranquility that I experienced on the coast. So that everyone can see harmony in the sea, which can be found in any situation, even in the most difficult and unpredictable.
It took me a lot of time and effort to work on the painting, but I was sure it was worth it. When I finished, I realized that I had created something special that could bring joy and harmony to people's hearts.
That's how my painting “The Sea of Harmony” was born, which became a symbol of harmony and tranquility in our crazy world. And every time I look at her, I remember those wonderful days on the coast when the world seemed so simple and understandable.
If you have any questions about the purchase of paintings, write in private messages, or to the email specified in the profile. due to the ongoing events, artmajeur will not be able to deliver paintings from Russia. All transportation operations take place through the vernissage365 gallery

Temi correlati


Tradotto automaticamente
Initially, like probably many people, I was not interested in drawing. But in 2013, when I was exactly ten years old, an advertisement for art magazines was shown on TV, complete with art materials, paints,[...]

Initially, like probably many people, I was not interested in drawing. But in 2013, when I was exactly ten years old, an advertisement for art magazines was shown on TV, complete with art materials, paints, brushes, a small sketchbook and some other things. I begged these magazines from Dad, I think let me copy all the materials, and that's it. But that was not the case - the process of drawing itself was greatly delayed.
And so, already in 2015, my grandmother and I are at the cottage, sitting and sewing, with threads, on a piece of plywood, a piece of an old duvet cover - like a canvas. and so, without glue and primer, I painted the first two oil paintings (although before that I was a little afraid to touch this material). Then there were several more works painted on ordinary fabric, only after some time the soil was purchased.
In 2017, when I was a seventh grader, an art studio teacher from the local house of culture came to our regular school to teach art lessons. I showed her my work, which is why she invited me to her studio. And so, since 2017, I have been going there.
And in the middle of the 10th grade, in December, 2 months before the start of the pandemic, I, still undecided about the choice of university, was thinking where to go so that it would be related to drawing. My parents and grandmother told me to go to university and get a profession, but only if desired, the main thing is to get a higher education. There were also several offers from the teacher - theatrical (for the stage artist), A. I. Herzen State Pedagogical University (for the teacher-artist), well, or them. Repin.
I didn't really want to go to the theater, but to them. Repin had almost no chance - after all, I painted in oil without proper academic knowledge, for the soul. And I didn't even know about the existence of the drawing as a direction. So the choice stopped at the A. I. Herzen State Pedagogical University. And now, having already gained a little experience, I am already graduating from the 2nd year, having never lost my love for oil painting.

If you have any questions about the purchase of paintings, write in private messages, or to the email specified in the profile. due to the ongoing events, artmajeur will not be able to deliver paintings from Russia. All transportation operations take place through the vernissage365 gallery

Гузеев картины, Guzeev art

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