SCROOGE SUCCESS (2023) Painting by Vincent Bardou

Acrylic on Canvas, 39.4x31.5 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 1 collections
Nom : PICSOU SUCCESS Dimensions : 100 x 80 x 4 cm Techniques : Peinture acrylique et bombe aérosol Format du tableau :  Rectangle Année : 2023 Support : Toile montée sur châssis en bois Épaisseur 4 cm Profil 40 x 40 mm Bords : Les bords sont peints[...]

Dimensions : 100 x 80 x 4 cm

Techniques : Peinture acrylique et bombe aérosol

Format du tableau :  Rectangle

Année : 2023

Support : Toile montée sur châssis en bois

Épaisseur 4 cm

Profil 40 x 40 mm

Bords : Les bords sont peints permettant un accrochage immédiat de l’œuvre sans encadrement

Finition : Deux couches de vernis acrylique pour protéger l'oeuvre

Tableau signé en bas à droite et contresigné au dos

L’oeuvre est livrée avec un certificat d’authenticité

Oeuvre unique et originale

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Vincent Bardou, the versatile French artist, was born in 1989 in Vitry-sur-Seine, a town that would significantly influence his artistic journey. From an early age, Bardou displayed[...]

Vincent Bardou, the versatile French artist, was born in 1989 in Vitry-sur-Seine, a town that would significantly influence his artistic journey. From an early age, Bardou displayed a profound affinity for drawing, finding inspiration in the vibrant tapestry of urban culture, particularly in the realm of graffiti.

Embarking on a career as a designer and draftsman, Bardou honed his skills in the world of visual arts. However, it wasn't until 2014 that he decided to take the plunge into a full-fledged artistic pursuit, bidding farewell to his hometown and venturing southward.

Bardou's artistic repertoire is a testament to his eclecticism, seamlessly transitioning between abstract and figurative styles. His creations often feature characters drawn from the wellspring of popular culture, skillfully interwoven with delicate and harmonious lines. Fuelled by curiosity and a sense of adventure, Bardou continually refines his technique. Currently, he employs acrylics for his characters and aerosol for the backgrounds, perpetually exploring innovative processes.

Art, for Vincent Bardou, transcends mere visual expression; it is a spiritual endeavor. Painting serves as a means for self-reflection, inviting him to perceive the world from unconventional perspectives and resist the confinement of singular thoughts. Through his artwork, Bardou delves into subjects close to his heart, such as the preservation of nature, the impact of wars, and our complex relationship with the media. Each stroke on the canvas becomes a conduit for contemplation, a visual meditation on the interconnectedness of the human experience.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

See more from Vincent Bardou

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