Young Man (2020) デジタルアーツ Viktor Soukhanov によって

ファインアート紙, 8x8 in

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  1500 px  

1500 px
ファイルの寸法 (px) 1500x1500
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  • この作品は「オープンエディション」です デジタルアーツ, ジークレープリント / デジタルプリント
  • 寸法 利用可能ないくつかのサイズ
  • 利用可能ないくつかのサポート (ファインアート紙, 金属への印刷, キャンバスプリント)
  • フレーミング 利用可能なフレーミング (フローティングフレーム+アンダーグラス, フレーム+アクリルガラスの下)
  • カテゴリ 造形美術 ポートレイト
I am a self-made artist. Several years ago I began exploring digital art. This digital medium allowed me to express and depict the beauty of a human body and emotions in much the same way as I would with watercolors and pencil. All my drawings are about sensuality and colors. I start with choosing a background color. It is white[...]
I am a self-made artist.
Several years ago I began exploring digital art.
This digital medium allowed me to express and depict the beauty of a human body and emotions in much the same way as I would with watercolors and pencil.
All my drawings are about sensuality and colors.
I start with choosing a background color. It is white by default, but it is difficult to paint on white, so I choose a neutral tone.
Then I do a sketch with a brush that suits me more to make the image soft, sharp or transparent.
To paint over I switch to another layer. There are many layers in stock so I can manipulate them. The advantage of layers is they can be placed one behind another.
They are like transparent papers. “So if I want to paint a forest behind a figure I move the layer with the forest behind the layer with the figure”.
My favorite brushes are charcoal, soft brush and dry pastel. Brushes are resizable and I can change their intensity.
I can resize the image and the detail while painting.
My relation with my artwork is complex, like a marriage. We have moments of perfect harmony, but when it comes to resistance, I must give in.
My work was also presented at The Luxembourg Art Prize 2020.

Viktor Soukhanovからもっと見る

デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ
デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ

