The speed of light in vacuum. Скорость света в вакууме. (2020) Disegno da Victoria Golovina

Inchiostro su Carta, 26x20,1 in
885,69 USD
Prezzo: Spedizione gratuita

Recensioni dei clienti (13)
Spedito da: Paesi Bassi (Tubo) Spedito entro 2 giorni
Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni
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Acquistare una stampa

Questa stampa è disponibile in diverse dimensioni.

45,59 USD
65,12 USD
119,39 USD
Recensioni dei clienti Eccellente
Gli artisti vengono pagati i diritti d'autore per ogni vendita

Venditore Victoria Golovina

Licenza digitale

Quest'immagine è disponibile per lo scaricamento con una licenza.

32,56 USD
130,25 USD
271,35 USD
Risoluzione massima: 4713 x 6100 px
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Gli artisti vengono pagati i diritti d'autore per ogni vendita

Venditore Victoria Golovina

Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Quest'opera d'arte appare in 2 collezioni
Alpha Canis Majoris Savior. "The speed of light in vacuum. Скорость света в вакууме" This painting is born out of unconscious flow of power. I channel information into this world for those who are waiting for it. Thank you. Эта картина создана на автоматическом письме. Провела информацию в этот мир для тех,[...]
Alpha Canis Majoris Savior.
"The speed of light in vacuum. Скорость света в вакууме"

This painting is born out of unconscious flow of power. I channel information into this world for those who are waiting for it.
Thank you.
Эта картина создана на автоматическом письме. Провела информацию в этот мир для тех, кто её ждал.

Temi correlati


Tradotto automaticamente
🔹A white canvas is the beginning of the journey. Much happens around, much happened inside. Swiftly growing and splashing out with the lava of the volcano ..  🔹Here the hand leads a line, concentration,[...]

🔹A white canvas is the beginning of the journey. Much happens around, much happened inside. Swiftly growing and splashing out with the lava of the volcano .. 

🔹Here the hand leads a line, concentration, momentum; and I am already dissolved in the creation of the new, and already out of time. 

🔹The intrigue is that I never know what will happen at the end. Always improvisation.   Intuitive painting on paper or canvas, translation of the past and the future through lines, colours and forms. I am free in what I do. I am a Master and I am a Learner. 

🔹I am using human body language to express knowledge and feelings accumulated over the years of life. Naked body can tell the truth, because there is nothing to hide. Bending and movement can tell you what's going on inside of one individual and a whole society. 

I strive to show the beauty and divinity of the human body, the Microcosm of the Macrocosm.


Victoria graduated from an art-school under the supervision of a sculptor Peter Podstavkin. 

*Studied and graduated from Moscow Art and Fashion Industry Institute. 

*Member of International federation of Artist and Artist's Union of Russia. 

*Victoria's artworks are kindly accepted to collections of prime State National Museum of Russia. 

🔻2018 - exhibition "Strawberry Fields Forever" at Kilimanjaro Amsterdam
🔻2017 - open Atelier Noordwaarts Halte Zamenhofstraat, Amsterdam.
🔻2017 - exposition at CC Admiralen.
🔻2016 - participated "De Portrettenparade"
🔻2016 - "Back to Nature" or "Strawberry Fields Forever" at ExpoCafe Zamen, Amsterdam.
🔻2016 - "Dancing my life" artwork in O'Mistico, India, Goa
🔻2015 - Open museum night at Zamen Art Atelier, Amsterdam.
🔻2015 - Exposition "Summer in the city", Studio Carli, Amsterdam.
🔻2015 - Exposition "Strawberry Fields Forever"at Ludwig, Amsterdam.
🔻2015 - Exposition "Spring 2015", Bedford - Stuyvesant, Amsterdam.
🔻2014 - "ART DECO TODAY", at La Boutique del Caffe Torrefazione, Amsterdam.
🔻2014 - Personal exhibition "Human Art Soul from East to West" at Ludwig, Amsterdam.
🔻2013 - Personal exhibition "5 years in Amsterdam, life on canvas", Amsterdam.
🔻2013 - Kunstveiling voor het KWF kankerbestrijding fonds, Amsterdam.
🔻2013 - Rembrant Classic Hotel, Amsterdam
🔻2012 - expo in Comfort Caffe, Amsterdam
🔻2012 - personal exhibition at Ludwig, Amsterdam
🔻2010 - personal exhibition Human Art Soul, The Thought Art Gallery, Amsterdam
🔻2009 - 2010 exhibition WOMEN, Gertrud D Gallery, Amsterdam

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1.071,68 USD
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941,04 USD
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1.527,81 USD
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1.071,68 USD
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