Le choix de Patxi (2022) Painting by Véronique Clanet

Acrylic on Linen Canvas, 36.2x28.7 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 2 collections
"Le choix de Patxi " cette peinture fait partie de la nouvelle série qui débuta le 17 mars 2019, date du 1er confinement. Depuis cette date vous découvrez un oiseau, symbole de liberté. Chacune de c'est peinture illustrent un paragraphe d'une histoire que Véronique Clanet nous raconte aux travers de son oeuvre. Réouverture[...]
"Le choix de Patxi " cette peinture fait partie de la nouvelle série qui débuta le 17 mars 2019, date du 1er confinement.
Depuis cette date vous découvrez un oiseau, symbole de liberté. Chacune de c'est peinture illustrent un paragraphe d'une histoire que Véronique Clanet nous raconte aux travers de son oeuvre.
Réouverture des boutiques, journée shopping avec Patxi. Va t elle choisir la paire de chaussure qu'il lui propose?
A suivre dans une prochaine peinture.

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Véronique Clanet, a contemporary French artist, has carved a profound artistic journey that spans over four decades, beginning with her first strokes on canvas at the age[...]

Véronique Clanet, a contemporary French artist, has carved a profound artistic journey that spans over four decades, beginning with her first strokes on canvas at the age of 8. The trajectory of her artistic career led her through an enriching apprenticeship at the School of Fine Arts, where she honed her skills and embraced the expansive realm of creative expression.

Throughout the years, Clanet's work has graced the walls of prestigious art galleries, marking milestones in her evolving exploration of artistic themes. Today, she unveils the culmination of her 40 years of dedicated work and research in a collection aptly titled "THE SPARKLING."

Having traversed detailed graphic representations of motherhood, childhood, and love, Clanet's artistic odyssey has witnessed her engagement with diverse materials, including paint, earth, and bronze. In her current artistic phase, Véronique Clanet introduces a fresh vision, a delicate balance between graphic finesse and the purification of colors and materials.

Situated at the crossroads of representation and abstract art, Clanet invites us to discover the essence of her creations - light women - manifested through the chosen materials and the unique universes they bring to life. The deliberate use of monochromy becomes a transformative tool, allowing viewers to unveil intricate details that a more straightforward painting might obscure.

In Véronique Clanet's artistic realm, these women require nothing more than a gentle play of light to come into existence. Through her innovative approach and unwavering dedication, Clanet continues to captivate audiences, offering a nuanced perspective that reflects her evolution as an artist over the course of four decades.

See more from Véronique Clanet

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