Gefangen im Netz der Gedanken (2020) Painting by Veronika Von Kathen

Acrylic on Canvas, 55.1x55.1 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 1 collections
Inspiriert zu diesem Bild haben die Künstlerin Frauen, die selbstbewusst einen besonderen Platz in unserer labilen, im Fließen befindlichen Gesellschaft einnehmen. Frauen, die bewundert und geachtet werden, aber auch beneidet werden, oder Angriffen ausgesetzt sind. Ihre Wünsche und Träume werden von ihrer Umgebung oft nicht wahrgenommen. Mit ihren[...]
Inspiriert zu diesem Bild haben die Künstlerin Frauen, die selbstbewusst einen besonderen Platz in unserer labilen, im Fließen befindlichen Gesellschaft einnehmen. Frauen, die bewundert und geachtet werden, aber auch beneidet werden, oder Angriffen ausgesetzt sind. Ihre Wünsche und Träume werden von ihrer Umgebung oft nicht wahrgenommen. Mit ihren Bildern will die Künstlerin eine Idee davon vermitteln.

Das Bild soll den Betrachter ansehen und somit zum raumbestimmenden Blickpunkt werden.

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Automatically translated
Veronika Von Kathen was born in Berlin in the year 1950. In 1973, she successfully completed her studies at a technical college, earning the degree of Ing. grad. It was during her[...]

Veronika Von Kathen was born in Berlin in the year 1950. In 1973, she successfully completed her studies at a technical college, earning the degree of Ing. grad. It was during her academic years that she discovered her passion for painting. Like many programs that nurture creativity, her studies encouraged artistic abilities. The act of drawing, particularly portraits, was an integral aspect of her training as an architecture student. For Veronika, the essence of her architectural pursuits and her painting endeavors was to give form to spaces and infuse them with vitality. Her intention was not merely for the images to be observed, but for them to engage with the observer, becoming focal viewpoints that define the space itself. This fusion of architecture and painting became an inseparable part of her identity, a connection that endures to this day.

Continuing her educational journey, she obtained her Dipl.-Ing. (Arch.) degree from TU Berlin in 1979. As the 1990s dawned, Veronika ventured into the realm of artistry, participating in numerous exhibitions that showcased her artistic expressions. Her dedication and expertise were acknowledged in 1999 when she became a member of the Chamber of Architects.

Veronika Von Kathen continued to flourish as both an artist and an architect, embracing dual roles with enthusiasm. Her commitment persisted unwaveringly over the years. However, it was in August 2023 that she took a significant step, transitioning to becoming a full-time artist. In doing so, she embarks on a new chapter in her creative journey, devoted entirely to the pursuit of her artistic vision.

See more from Veronika Von Kathen

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Acrylic on Canvas | 55.1x55.1 in
Acrylic on Linen Canvas | 55.1x55.1 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 55.1x55.1 in
Acrylic on Linen Canvas | 55.1x55.1 in


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