529. Honey Flowers Bees (2023) 絵画 Veera Zukova によって

キャンバスのアクリル, 43.7x53.2 in
プライス: 送料無料

販売者 Veera Zukova
お客様のレビュー (19)
発送元: フィンランド (チューブ) 2日内で発送
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Veera Zukova



最大解像度: 4374 x 3673 px

販売者 Veera Zukova

"Honey Flowers Bees" by Veera Zukova "Honey Flowers Bees" by Veera Zukova is an exuberant and vibrant masterpiece that immerses the viewer in a kaleidoscope of colors and intricate patterns. This acrylic painting on vinyl canvas, measuring 111x135 cm, is a celebration of nature's beauty and the buzzing life within it.[...]
"Honey Flowers Bees" by Veera Zukova
"Honey Flowers Bees" by Veera Zukova is an exuberant and vibrant masterpiece that immerses the viewer in a kaleidoscope of colors and intricate patterns. This acrylic painting on vinyl canvas, measuring 111x135 cm, is a celebration of nature's beauty and the buzzing life within it. Created in 2023, this artwork is a testament to Zukova's passion for abstract art and her ability to translate the energy and harmony of the natural world into a visual feast.

The composition is a riot of vivid hues, where each section pulsates with life. The intertwining shapes and patterns evoke a garden teeming with blooming flowers and busy bees, each element meticulously detailed to draw the viewer into a whimsical, almost magical realm. The fluidity and movement within the piece suggest a constant state of change and growth, much like a thriving ecosystem.

Zukova's use of acrylic on vinyl allows for a strikingly bold and durable finish, ensuring the colors remain vibrant and the details sharp. The artwork's dynamic composition and lively palette make it a standout piece, perfect for collectors who seek to add a burst of color and joy to their collection. It embodies a sense of optimism and the endless possibilities found in nature's interplay of forms and colors.

Colorful abstract art on plastic canvas using acrylic paints brings immense joy with its pure colors, intricate detailing, and vibrant positivity. The intense and complicated structure of such artwork is sure to captivate its viewers, leaving them awestruck. With a burst of vibrant colors, abstract art on plastic canvas is an exceptional way to add a creative and cheerful touch to any space. The flair and uniqueness of such art forms are unparalleled,
making it a favorite among art enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.
This acrylic painting on plastic unstretched canvas is a colorful abstract artwork that evokes joy. The intricate details and pure, vibrant colors create an intense and complicated structure that bursts with positivity. This piece of art is sure to fill any space with life and energy, and its abstract nature invites interpretation and contemplation.
Inspired by summer :)

Enjoy the summer vibes all year round with this joyful and colorful abstract artwork. Gorgeously created on an unstretched vinyl canvas, this piece features a variety of bright, positive, and subconscious shapes that radiate positivity. Perfect for adding a touch of cheer to any living space, this unique artwork also looks stunning on various products. Treat yourself or a loved one to this gorgeous piece and experience the beauty of summer every day!


Energy And HarmonyBold DesignUnique ArtworkCollectible ArtDetailed Patterns

I'm Veera Zukova, an artist whose creative journey began in the picturesque landscapes of Sredneuralsk, Russia. From a young age, I was drawn to the world of art, finding inspiration in the vibrant colors[...]

I'm Veera Zukova, an artist whose creative journey began in the picturesque landscapes of Sredneuralsk, Russia. From a young age, I was drawn to the world of art, finding inspiration in the vibrant colors of nature and the rich cultural heritage of my surroundings. As I grew older, my passion for creativity blossomed, leading me to explore various mediums and techniques. From graphic design to surreal gouache paintings, I immersed myself in the process of self-expression, allowing my emotions and experiences to shape each brushstroke.

My artistic exploration took me beyond the borders of Finland, as I sought to expand my horizons and learn from diverse artistic traditions. I found myself studying painting in construction in Sweden, mastering the intricate interplay of light and shadow in my work. Along the way, I delved into the world of music, studying it for over a decade and discovering how rhythm and melody could inform my artistic practice.

Today, I reside in Finland with my husband, where I continue to pursue my passion for art with unwavering dedication. My work is a reflection of my innermost thoughts and feelings, a visual representation of the human experience in all its complexity. Through my art, I seek to evoke emotion, spark imagination, and inspire others to see the world in a new light.

For me, art is not just a creative outlet—it's a way of life, a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. With each new piece I create, I push the boundaries of my own creativity, exploring new ideas and experimenting with different techniques. As I continue to evolve as an artist, I look forward to sharing my journey with the world and connecting with others who share my passion for creativity and self-expression.

Veera Zukovaからもっと見る

紙のマーカー | 11.8x8.3 in
彫刻 - ウッド | 9.7x13.2 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 15.8x7.9 in
紙のチョーク | 12.6x17.7 in

