GHANDI (2008) Painting by Vanda Estriga


Seller Vanda Estriga

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  155 px  

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  • Categories Paintings under $500
Estanho sobre Tela - Imagem de Mahatma Ghandi About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Technic Painting [...]
Estanho sobre Tela - Imagem de Mahatma Ghandi
Automatically translated
I began my path as artisan, in 2004. a lady crossed my way and thought me the most basic manner to work tin, pewter. Very soon, I became very fond of it and felt the need to know what was being[...]

I began my path as artisan, in 2004. a lady crossed my way and thought me the most basic manner to work tin, pewter.

Very soon, I became very fond of it and felt the need to know what was being made in other countries, such as Spain, Mexico, France, Germany, etc.
From that point on, I knew I had to be unique, if I wanted other people to notice this kind of work.

In 2005, I had a creative pause, in order to be that was what I wanted. The following year, 2006, I legalised the situation, and became professional emerging artist.

In 2007, I had more exhibitions, more sales and people were delighted with all pieces, it was quite surprising.

This cuurent year, I hope to consolidate the activity, expose individually or collectively and to participate in all activities that I can. I also teach how to "draw" on a metalsheet .

I invite you all, to see with your own eyes, what one can do with a metalsheet, and to express your opinion in the guestbook.

"Our imagination is the limit"

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