One day (2021) Painting by Valeriia Prasol

Oil on Canvas, 5.9x5.9 in
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Seller Valeriia Prasol

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Seller Valeriia Prasol

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
You want to feel the peace and enjoyment of home. This painting will allow you to do just that. A sunny day on an azure lake, everyone's dream About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles
You want to feel the peace and enjoyment of home. This painting will allow you to do just that. A sunny day on an azure lake, everyone's dream

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LandscapeBlue LakeFishingMountainsForest

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Valeria Prasol was born in 1999 in Kharkov, Ukraine, where she grew up. Valeria Prasol hasbeen an artist for many years, as well as a pharmacist.Inspired by Guillermo Lorca, Van Gogh, Ilya Repin, Claude Monet,[...]

Valeria Prasol was born in 1999 in Kharkov, Ukraine, where she grew up. Valeria Prasol hasbeen an artist for many years, as well as a pharmacist.Inspired by Guillermo Lorca, Van Gogh, Ilya Repin, Claude Monet, Maria StanislavovnaPavlova.Valeria started drawing as a child, after her talent was seen by her parents. She was sent toart school, where she learned the basics and began her artistic journey. She believes thatthere are two realities in the world. One is material, tangible and diverse in itsmanifestations, showing us the amazing variety of things. The second reality is manifestedthrough the senses and intuition, felt from within and is much more powerful than the first. Itallows us to experience the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things. This innerspace of nature is the only refuge where true comfort can be found.The main choice facing the artist is whether to depict only the superficial aspects or to strivefor depth. I am attracted to something hidden and unobvious, penetrating through thesurface like the voice of true nature.In her work she combines oil painting, acrylic and watercolor to achieve subtle effects.Valeria has a keen interest in art history. Art exhibitions of classic and contemporary worksof art always give her new ideas and inspiration for her work.Since 2017 Valeria Prasol exhibits her works in a number of art galleries, the city of Kharkiv2022 - the painting "City hall view" is sold at the exhibition auction in Dorotheum AustriaAuction House2023 - 2nd Annual Wild ART digital exhibition, Wild Heart Gallery, California, USA

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Watercolor on Paper | 8.3x11 in
Watercolor on Paper | 13.8x11.8 in
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