In the wind (2023) Painting by Val Escoubet

Oil on Linen Canvas, 13x16.1 in
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Customer's reviews Excellent
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Seller Val Escoubet

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Max resolution: 1700 x 1353 px
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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Val Escoubet

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork appears in 7 collections
Mélange de réalisme et d'abstrait pour cette oeuvre très décorative et pleine d'énergie.On retrouve le portrait d'une jeune femme de dos dont les cheveux volent au vent et un fond d'inspiration urbaine. La couleur est exploitée en transparence sur le personnage dans le prolongement du fond pour plus d'harmonie. [...]
Mélange de réalisme et d'abstrait pour cette oeuvre très décorative et pleine d'énergie.On retrouve le portrait d'une jeune femme de dos dont les cheveux volent au vent et un fond d'inspiration urbaine. La couleur est exploitée en transparence sur le personnage dans le prolongement du fond pour plus d'harmonie.

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Val Escoubet, a contemporary French artist, brings a rich artistic background to her vibrant and eclectic creations. From a young age, she delved into the fundamentals of drawing[...]

Val Escoubet, a contemporary French artist, brings a rich artistic background to her vibrant and eclectic creations. From a young age, she delved into the fundamentals of drawing and the intricacies of oil painting, exploring a diverse range of mediums including ink, acrylics, and pastels.

Initially drawn to the thematic expanse of landscapes, Val shifted her focus twelve years ago. Her artistic passion pivoted towards capturing the emotions, expressions, and body movements of women, men, and children. Her ambitious goal centered around achieving realism, imparting a living quality to her paintings.

Val Escoubet's distinctive style is marked by the striking contrast between the subtle shades of black and white defining her characters and the vivid, colorful, and abstract decorations often influenced by the world of Street-art, a realm she intimately understands. Her artistic toolkit includes various techniques, such as oil painting—her particular favorite—acrylics, ink, and collage, all skillfully woven into her works.

Embracing diverse and eclectic inspirations, Val draws heavily from street art, a nod to her Dionysian origins, and finds creative fuel in the world of fashion illustration. Transitioning into a full-time professional artist in recent years, Val initially showcased her works collectively and solo in her region. Her artistic journey then took an international trajectory as she participated in art fairs, primarily in the United States and Asia, in collaboration with a Canadian gallery.

Simultaneously, Val Escoubet has undertaken bespoke projects for both private clients and the State, contributing her artistic vision to the decoration of convivial spaces. Her ability to seamlessly blend realism with vibrant abstractions, coupled with a global artistic perspective, positions Val Escoubet as a dynamic force in the contemporary art scene.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

See more from Val Escoubet

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Oil on Canvas | 47.2x63 in
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