Мистический закат (2021) Painting by Vadim Stolyarov

Oil on Canvas, 18.9x16.9 in
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Seller Vadim Stolyarov

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Max resolution: 3804 x 4251 px
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Seller Vadim Stolyarov

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Oil Paint consisting of pigments bound with linseed oil or carnations. The traditional technique consists[...]

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Quote “Two points that I consider the most significant in my understanding of painting: 1. Color is soul and form is matter. And color is primary over form. 2. The artist's palette, which[...]


“Two points that I consider the most significant in my understanding of painting: 1. Color is soul and form is matter. And color is primary over form. 2. The artist's palette, which remains after he has painted a Picture, is a very important link and is subject to careful study. A palette is a color in a state of Chaos, and a Picture is a color in a state of coloristic order.”

Vadim Anatolyevich Stolyarov was born on October 16, 1969 in Kazan. From 1981 to 1985 he studied at art school No. 2 in Kazan under the guidance of the Honored Artist of Russia and Tatarstan Inshakov Alexander Fedorovich. From 1986 to 1991 he graduated from the Kharkov Higher Military Command and Engineering School of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Since 2001, he left his professional military career and returned to creativity, starting to independently study the basics of easel and monumental painting. From 2005 to 2008 he worked as a muralist and designer of the architectural and construction complex of Udmurtia. Since 2009 he has been working in the field of easel painting.

In 2010, he developed the author's technique of painting on glass, winning several international competition awards with works made in this technique. Since 2012, all the author's works of the artist have been painted in the technique of oil painting. A characteristic feature of the author's handwriting is the use of a palette knife instead of brushes in all works.

From 2017 to 2019, Vadim Stolyarov becomes a multiple winner and laureate of the international competition "Art. Excellence. Awards" in the nominations "Painting", "Graphics", "Photography", "Monumental Art". Since 2019, the artist has been included in the Presidium of the International Academy of Contemporary Arts and holds the position of Chairman of the Department of the latest trends in art.

Thanks to active creative work and victories in international competitions, the artist's name has become one of the most commercially successful masters of art in Russia. The artist's works are represented by the world's major online galleries: "Saatchi" and "Singulart", and since 2020 by the "Artex Awards" online gallery.

The artist's work is characterized by an appeal to classical traditions through the prism major art movements of the 20th century. The author's works trace the continuity of the discoveries of Impressionism, Expressionism, Suprematism, which are often only part of a large semantic and color game, always compositionally verified and captivating the viewer with its depth. The artist is equally recognizable both in complex figurative compositions and in abstract mathematically modeled plots of his paintings.

Vadim Stolyarov's works are in museum and private collections in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, USA, England, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, New Zealand, China, Sweden.

The author of the article is Olga Veretina.

All paintings from 2012 onwards ... are made entirely with a palette knife. I do not make copies of my paintings on principle and categorically.

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