The Forest was Angry That Day, in Blue and Green (2023) Painting by Tim Steele

Oil on Canvas, 42x60 in
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Seller Tim Steele

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 2 collections
This work large monochromatic work is painted on unprimed and un-stretched canvas. My technique involves using thinned-down paint to create abstract paintings that are experiential. Instead of using thick, opaque oils, I add paint thinner, water and solvents to the paint until it is consistency of watercolor. The mixed is then poured, dripped and splatter[...]
This work large monochromatic work is painted on unprimed and un-stretched canvas. My technique involves using thinned-down paint to create abstract paintings that are experiential. Instead of using thick, opaque oils, I add paint thinner, water and solvents to the paint until it is consistency of watercolor. The mixed is then poured, dripped and splatter onto the canvas. The painting is worked back into with spray paint. Water, solvents and oil created oil resist areas. The canvas is stained as it soaks up the oil, solvent, water mixture. In this work I reference trees and landscape. Landscape and horizon are recurring themes in my work.

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Tim Steele is a contemporary American painter. The revelation of Picasso's work opened up a world of possibilities, inspiring Steele with the realization that artistic expression[...]

Tim Steele is a contemporary American painter. The revelation of Picasso's work opened up a world of possibilities, inspiring Steele with the realization that artistic expression knew no bounds. Unfamiliar with luminaries like Warhol, Johns, and Rauschenberg at the time, Steele's artistic horizon expanded as he delved into the diverse ways of thinking that these artists embodied.

During his early years, hunger for knowledge drove Steele to manually copy a book about Alberto Giacometti, a Swiss painter and sculptor, as he couldn't afford to purchase it. This process of painstakingly copying each page marked a formative period in his artistic development.

Steele's education at SFCC, during the transformative era of the early '70s, left an indelible imprint on his artistic sensibilities. The teachers, the art, the camaraderie with veterans, and the immersive environment filled with the scent of linseed oil and the echoes of rock and roll music shaped Steele's artistic foundation.

Over the course of his lifetime, Steele has dedicated himself to the relentless pursuit of knowledge, teaching, refining his craft, and experimenting with his art. His academic achievements include earning an MFA in painting from Washington State University, a BFA in drawing from Fort Wright College of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, and a Professional Art Degree in Advertising Design from SFCC.

Steele's career evolved from his beginnings as a graphic designer, working with markers, x-acto knives, paste-ups, and traditional photographic processes. The handmade quality remains integral to his artistic ethos. His journey led him to a professorship and the esteemed role of founding Director of the School of Design at South Dakota State University.

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