Certificat expo SAPLR 08.jpg (2013) Painting by Thierry Vaudein

Not For Sale

Seller Thierry Vaudein

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  1029 px  

1500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 1029x1500
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  • Original Artwork Painting,
  • Dimensions Dimensions are available on request
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Technic Painting Painting is an art form of painting on a surface[...]
Born on 27 December 1973 to François (Martinique) To 6 / 7 years, I tried to reproduce the images of the comics that I read (in retrospect, it was a beautiful time!). Around 12/13 years[...]

Born on 27 December 1973 to François (Martinique)

To 6 / 7 years, I tried to reproduce the images of the comics that I read (in retrospect, it was a beautiful time!).
Around 12/13 years old, I stop everything to devote myself to my other activities: school, football, association, labor ... (idea what pfff. ..).
In 2001, events lead me to start over but without much follow-up (what do you want? Should try not to lose ... what a period!)
The story lasted a little good time.
In 2008, I decided to take this seriously: I subscribe to the Maison des Artistes (No. V320201), I participated in my first collective show (La Rochelle: bronze medal).
As a result of all this (and particularly the credibility that reward the work done ...), I started my first personal exhibitions ...

I thank you because you helped me cope at a time when I'd really need.
I hope now that we have found that we will do a good journey together, we know great joy.

See more from Thierry Vaudein

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Painting | 19.7x15.8 in
Painting | 31.5x39.4 in
Painting | 23.6x13.8 in
Painting | 25.6x19.7 in


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