Trophies (2020) Pittura da Thierry Falise

Acquarello su Carta, 13,4x20,5 in
3.115,38 USD
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Spedito da: Thailandia (Tubo)
Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni
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Resi gratuiti: Soddisfatti o rimborsati entro 14 giorni.
Ritorni accettati 14 giorni Artmajeur si impegna al 100% per la soddisfazione dei collezionisti: hai 14 giorni per restituire un'opera originale. L'opera deve essere restituita all'artista in perfette condizioni, nella sua confezione originale. Tutti gli articoli idonei possono essere restituiti (se non diversamente indicato).
Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
A 23 paintings series titled "The Jarawa", depicting the twilight of a people who came from Africa tens of thousands years ago to live in the Andaman Islands, in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Skeletons appear in the background symbolizing colonial powers that succeeded one another in that part of the world since the 19th century. For[...]
A 23 paintings series titled "The Jarawa", depicting the twilight of a people who came from Africa tens of thousands years ago to live in the Andaman Islands, in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Skeletons appear in the background symbolizing colonial powers that succeeded one another in that part of the world since the 19th century.
For the works of this series not displayed, please contact me through Artmajeur.

Temi correlati

JarawaAndamanIndian OceanForestTrophies

Tradotto automaticamente
For almost 40 years, I have worked as an independent photojournalist. Based in Bangkok, Thailand, since 1991, I have mostly covered Asian countries for a wide spectrum of magazines and newspapers. Simultaneously[...]

For almost 40 years, I have worked as an independent photojournalist. Based in Bangkok, Thailand, since 1991, I have mostly covered Asian countries for a wide spectrum of magazines and newspapers. Simultaneously to my media activities, I have dedicated large part of my time to watercolor painting.
To me there is a solid bridge between reportage photography and watercolor. Both techniques capture instant moments. A camera needs a fraction of a second to immortalize a reality, a very similar process to a brush that fixes a mix of water and pigment into the thickness of a paper.
Since I was born, my architect father put a pencil in my hand and took me to art museums. As a Belgian, I have the privilege to share roots with powerful artists such as James Ensor, René Magritte or Félicien Rops. Amongst other models were Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, and of course the master of light, J.M.W. Turner.
A first professional turn as a watercolor artist came in 2003 when I was jailed for five weeks in Laos for a clandestine reportage on a ethnic Hmong community lost in the jungle. My films were confiscated, never to be seen again. After my release I recreated scenes I had witnessed in the jungle with watercolor and black pen. They were published by many medias including the New York Times, Grands Reportages and Le Soir.
Then, a Swiss entrepreneur assigned me on the production of paintings describing the precious gems industry (from the mine to the jewellery): Burmese ruby, Colombian emerald, Sri Lankan sapphire, … These works are exhibited in his company premises.
Parallel to this work, I have created more personal and thematic series I am submitting to your curiosity such as “Cursed poets”, “Opium”, “Vanities”, “François Villon”, “Bangkok Wet”, “Belgie mon amour”, “Ten ism…”, “The Anniversary”, “Burmese Memories”, …

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Acquarello su Carta | 15x21,3 in
3.115,38 USD
Acquarello su Carta | 15x22,8 in
3.115,38 USD
Acquarello su Carta | 9,8x13,8 in
1.856,95 USD
Acquarello su Carta | 13,4x20,5 in
3.115,38 USD


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