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Tetiana Bilous

Värnamo, Sweden
Artist (Painting)
Born 1987
Painting is a piece of energy expressed on canvas

I believe that art is an outer expression of artist innermost experience. My main concept is to transmit my experience in the most understanding and accepting way. I started professionally doing art at the age of 27. It happened spontaneously basically as I didn’t paint for a very long time. I came to a mandala meditation class, where I felt the flow during painting. Since then I knew I had to continue. So I found an art teacher and began painting on an everyday basis and studying on. The more I was painting, the more I was falling in love with it. Since then I cannot stop painting. Art is a part of my life. Art is in everything I do. The way I dress, speak or cook. It is not much different from the painting I make.
I am a kind of artist who is able to transmit the divine flow into canvas.

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