Jacks and Balls: Series Vol 3. Big Red (2022) Painting by Terry Cornelius

Watercolor on Paper, 22x30 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork is framed
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Watercolor / Ink on Paper
  • Dimensions 27x39 in
    Dimensions of the work alone, without framing: Height 22in, Width 30in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is framed (Frame + Under Glass)
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Pop Art Abstract
My inspiration for this painting came at an early age my friends and I would play this game almost every day in any place we just loved it. The best part of the game was you could play it alone if you got bored to look back on my childhood this was very fitting to paint the big red jacks and balls game. Finding this game today would be a great[...]
My inspiration for this painting came at an early age my friends and I would play this game almost every day in any place we just loved it. The best part of the game was you could play it alone if you got bored to look back on my childhood this was very fitting to paint the big red jacks and balls game.
Finding this game today would be a great way to get kids off the couch and away from their phones nowadays, this classic metal Jacks game will have them jumping and bouncing with joy, and giggling while playing this old-fashioned fun game.

The artwork is signed on the front of all Original art.
all the painting includes a Certificate of Authenticity.
A perfect feature for any home or office interior.

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Terry Cornelius is a contemporary artist who lives and works in Palm Springs, California. A native of Chicago, Illinois, his vibrant and bold art paintings draw on his experiences as a young child with an active[...]

Terry Cornelius is a contemporary artist who lives and works in Palm Springs, California. A native of Chicago, Illinois, his vibrant and bold art paintings draw on his experiences as a young child with an active and creative mind. An M.F.A graduate of San Diego State University, Cornelius’ unique watercolor paintings use artistry and emotion that resonates with the beauty of everyday life. Inspired by my imagination and experiences, my contemporary style uses a mix of vibrant and bold watercolors on canvas paper that create a whimsical and moderate art scene showcasing my connection between my art and state of mind. Painting from personal experiences my intent is to connect the viewer to my imagination and thought processes while allowing them to interpret and feel their own connection with my work.

Terry Cornelius fills a space in a beautiful way. Painting from personal experiences my intent is to connect the viewer to my imagination and thought processes while allowing them to interpret and feel their own connection with my work.

See more from Terry Cornelius

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Watercolor on Paper | 22x30 in
Watercolor on Paper | 22x30 in
Watercolor on Paper | 22x30 in
Ink on Paper | 22x30 in


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