Triptych of Transport, how about teletransportation ? (2013) Painting by Valérie Voinchet

Acrylic on Canvas, 27.6x27.6 in
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Seller Valérie Voinchet

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 5 collections
We dream about it, especially when it is necessary to take public transportation. The looks of the agglutinated travellers converge on the pale lights of the indication boards, symbols of the worship of mass transport ! Messages are displayed as that of the prophet to try to contain anger, despair, tiredness, exhaustion… Reference being[...]
We dream about it, especially when it is necessary to take public transportation. The looks of the agglutinated travellers converge on the pale lights of the indication boards, symbols of the worship of mass transport !
Messages are displayed as that of the prophet to try to contain anger, despair, tiredness, exhaustion…
Reference being made to C. Lebrun, Masaccio, E. Munch and Hans Holbein the younger

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Automatically translated
Born in 1966 near Paris, lives and works in Paris. German, English : fluent – Italian and Spanish : common conversation. Contemporary Mythologies. Based on the Greek-Roman Mythology,[...]

Born in 1966 near Paris, lives and works in Paris.
German, English : fluent – Italian and Spanish : common conversation.

Contemporary Mythologies.
Based on the Greek-Roman Mythology, my painting’s objective is to try to identify its offspring in our contemporary ideal.

Expertise and Art market : Diploma in 2009 (IESA, Paris)
Specialist & advisor in cultural goods & properties, painting & graphic arts, History of Art
Oil techniques - 2001
Nu Studies by the Beaux Arts of Paris – 1999
Trompe l’œil - 1995-1997
Drawing techniques from 1990 to 1995

« Once upon a time…. The wine » from 1999 to 2006, at least 15 exhibitions, especially :
International fair « Terre Attitude », Pomacle/Reims,– September 1999
Fair “Voyage autour du Vin”, Paris, Parc Floral – Décember 1999
Fair “Voyage autour du Vin”, Paris, Espace Champerret – November 2000
Museum of the « Nantais » Wineyard – Pallet / Loire Atlantique – April and June 2001
Percée du vin jaune à Arlay – Côtes du Jura the 8th and 9th of February 2003

People : 5 exhibitions, among which :
Salon des Indépendants Paris - October 2000
Arcurial – Auction Sale for the R. Debré Hospital - November 2003

Private Presentations in my Studio, Cité Champagne, upon invitation.

Other exhibitions :
Several participations to « Lire en fête »,
Collective exhibitions in the Mairie du XX è arrondissement de Paris, 2001 to 2005
Open Doors of the Père Lachaise Artists’ Studios (APLA) every year since 2007
Museum of Art & History of Montbéliard, M. Bohbot’s collection of “Posted Art” 2010
Stamp Museum Budapest , M. Bohbot’s collection of “Posted Art” (catalogue’s cover) 2011
Galerie de l’Europe, 55 rue de Seine, Paris 6èm : collective exhibitions with APLA, april 2012
Galerie L’œil du 8, 8 rue Milton, Paris 8, collective exhibition, april 2012

Conception & realization in 2004 of a painted wall , Place de la Réunion 75020 Paris
As well as different works in « trompe l’œil » and decoration

See more from Valérie Voinchet

View all artworks
Acrylic on Canvas | 45.3x24.8 in
Painting | 28.7x23.6 in
Painting | 27.6x27.6 in
Painting | 17.7x23.6 in


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