Magenta abstraction on a gold background. Triptych (2023) Painting by Svetlana Saratova

Acrylic on Canvas, 11.8x28.4 in
$620.65   $543.34
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Seller Svetlana Saratova

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This set consists of three independent paintings, each measuring 24x30x1.5 cm. The background is gold gilding, over which I applied a magenta abstraction. You can change places as you like, the composition will change all the time. Note: This painting is painted on canvas and is not framed, however the painting continues around the edges of the[...]
This set consists of three independent paintings, each measuring 24x30x1.5 cm. The background is gold gilding, over which I applied a magenta abstraction. You can change places as you like, the composition will change all the time.
Note: This painting is painted on canvas and is not framed, however the painting continues around the edges of the painting so no framing is required. He's ready to hang.

The piece was photographed with a digital camera. Colors may differ slightly from the original for various reasons (monitor settings, video card quality, etc.). This painting is also equipped with glossy effects that cannot be sufficiently reproduced in photographs. Acrylic iridescent bright gold provides a bright glossy effect. Therefore, the picture looks different depending on the incidence of light.

The painting is very carefully packed in cardboard box with layers of bubble

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My name is Svetlana Saratova, I am an experienced artist from Germany. I create creative works in my art studio in Dusseldorf, Germany. At the studio I organized a drawing school for children and adults. My[...]

My name is Svetlana Saratova, I am an experienced artist from Germany. I create creative works in my art studio in Dusseldorf, Germany. At the studio I organized a drawing school for children and adults. My work is in many private collections around the world. I have experience in selling and shipping my work to EuI have experience selling and delivering my artworks to Europe and the USA.rope, the U.S., Japan

To date, I have successfully sold over a hundred paintings internationally, online and offline, which I would also like to present and sell in your gallery.

Love for art runs like a red thread through my whole life, seriously, I started writing in 2010 and now I can’t imagine my life without the smell of paints, canvases and paint-stained clothes. Drawing pictures is like a breath of fresh air for me. My art is as diverse as our life. I love fashion, design, architecture and nature. These are my sources of inspiration. The power and expressiveness of color gives me the opportunity for an exciting, creative and experimental scope on canvas. I am attracted to unusual and new drawing techniques that allow endless experimentation. My aesthetic is full of color and energy: bold, vibrant colors dance across every canvas.


Please find some selected exhibitions:

2023 - Atelier Paulo de Brito – Starnberg, Deutschland

2022 - Wechselausstellung GLIM Galerie - Krefeld, Deutschland

2016 - Thomas Lounge Ryerson University - Toronto, Canada

2016 - Santa Fe Gallery - Saturday, Canada

2014 - Galerie Seidel – Cologne, Deutschland

2014 - Sketch Club Gallery - Jerusalem, Israel

2014 - Rabbitholestudio (Art Gallery) - Brooklyn, New York

2013 - Ballhaus im Nordpark – Düsseldorf, Deutschland

2013 - Raum Artistic Labyrinth – Remschei, Deutschland

See more from Svetlana Saratova

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